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R and R part 2

Posted on Fri Aug 25th, 2023 @ 9:59pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Fri Aug 25th, 2023 @ 10:00pm

Mission: The Zaj
Location: DS9
Timeline: Present

OFF: This was sent yesterday not sure why it didn't show up.

Garahl set back in his chair finally full rubbing his belly, while Mira continued to eat. His eyes roamed over her slim yet lethal body. Her muscles were far more toned then the last time they had meet and she had lost alot of weight. Weight someone her size could not afford to lose.

Yet as they had walked in here together men had turned their heads to just watch her. Her laughter had always been his undoing, and he aways found himself joining in with her.

Mira was both beautiful inside and out and he could see why his cousin had fallen for her. Now She was his family.

Mira seeing an odd look in his eyes stopped eating and took a sip of bloodwine. "what?"

He chuckled "I must know what happened."

Taking a napkin to clean her lips Mira frowned, "it's not a fun or glorious story, my friend." Seeing he wasn't going to give up she set back as well.

" Kolar and I was going on an trip together. It was to be very romantic you see. " she stopped and bit her lip before she continued. "The ship were on was attacked. I was injured and the ship's doctor decided to take few of us off ship in a shuttle. I was a sleep for this or i would have never agreed. When I came too Vaytoc was killing the men who had taken over the small shuttle. In the fight the shuttle was damaged and we crashed on Hell. To be honest it was very much like your Qo'noS without the people, weapons and I kid you not it has dragons." seeing the look in his eyes she added "nasty, mean, and huge ones we learn to hid from them and there was only a few. thank all that is holy."

Garahl's eye light up has he took her hand, " truly! I must go see them! it would be a glorious hunt. "

Mira shook her head. "NO! The food even if you cook it will make you sick, or at least it did me. I can't remember how many times I poisoned myself. " Seeing he wasn't going to listen, she added."Captain Lar has the location. but don't say I didn't warn you. It's a horrible place."

Her comm badge went off. Rolling her eyes, she tapped it. " Rodale here,"

=/\= sorry Commander, but there is a problem here, and there is a meeting for command staff.=/\

Mira sighed so much for shopping and the holodeck. " On my way,"

Looking over at Garahl she asked. " Could you reschedule my holodeck time for me. I would do it myself, but you're so much more persuasive. " she smiled

He laughed, not yo many say no to a klingon he hugging her goodbye, but she stopped pulling his blade from behind her back with a grin. " I assume this is mine? "

He laughed even harder as he nodded. He hadn't even felt her lift it off him. Yes, the game was still going on. if she could get it, then it was hers. How he had to stop carrying his favorite blades with her around and was that blasted cat laughing at him as he followed her out of the bar?

Lt Commander Mira Rodale


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