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Why Am I Here?

Posted on Tue Jun 20th, 2023 @ 12:08am by Captain Michael Intermeezo & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Tue Jun 20th, 2023 @ 8:31am

Mission: Tomorrow, Before Yesterday
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Present


As Kronnelti came back from an extensive R&R he noticed that people have been off lately, so he proceeded to the bridge to find G'ginloss & Capt winters but to no avail they can't be found.

So the only thing he can do is contact Capt Beckett, Kronnelti tapped his comm and paged Capt Paxton to his location so that way Kronnelti could talk with him and find out what is going on.

=/\= Could you report to the observation lounge immediately, Mr Kronnelti =/\= came the sharp response from the Chuck Norris CO.

{A short time later; Observation Lounge}

“Come in, thank you for coming so promptly.” Paxton got to his feet to welcome the Klingon officer. He motioned for Kronnelti to stand before him. “If you would stand to attention before me, I have some news for you.”

Kronnelti did as he was told and stood to attention.

Paxton placed his hand into his pocket and brought out a small black satin bag. Emptying the contents of the bag into his hand, he approached the Klingon officer. “I’m pleased to tell you that Starfleet have seen fit to promote you to full Lieutenant.” He removed the black pip from Kronnelti’s collar and replaced it with a second gold pip, indicating his new rank. “Congratulations, Lieutenant.”

After Capt Beckett placed the gold pip on his shoulder Kronnelti standing tall says thank you sir and saluted him. “This is an honor & sir may i ask what is going on as I can't find Winters nor G'ginloss on the ship, did something happen & I understand that it may not be information I may not need to hear.”

Paxton leaned back in his chair, trying to size up the young Klingon. He’d only server with a couple of Klingons in the past, and he’d always found them to be an honourable people. As much as he trusted this young officer, now wasn’t the time to share information. At least not until the remainder of the senior staff had arrived. “You’ll be briefed in due course, Lieutenant. I hope you understand.”

“Aye sir.” Kronnelti then asks if there is anything he can do.

“For now, please take a seat and we’ll await the arrival of the others.” Paxton motioned for the officer to take a seat around the large oval table.


Lieutenant Kronnelti


Captain Paxton Beckett
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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