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To kelvin with love V The final Axelrod

Posted on Sun Mar 14th, 2021 @ 6:22am by Captain Aurther Winters & Lieutenant Commander John Wyatt

Mission: Not Where I Belong
Location: USS Chuck Norris NCC 4005
Timeline: During the Events of "Being Held Hostage" & "Let's Get this Cow in the Barn Before Dark!"

Wyatt had a lot to unpack. It had been a minute of minutes since he reappeared aboard the ship. Still, he felt uneasy in this timeline. Even though it was his own.

He knew Winters was looking for answers. As it appeared he had them.

"Winters can I talk to you privately?" Wyatt asked?

"Of course, this may not be the best time." Winters replied.

"What do you mean?" Wyatt and Winters left the transporter room and started to make their way to the bridge. Aurther knew that any sort of private talk would be best to be had in his ready room, far away from open ears.

"I don't know where you have been, or what has been done, but we are now in standoff with a Romulan ship and a Sub-Commander that has captured Ensign Kronnelti. They are demanding that we return Axelrod to them, or Awal will suffer the consequences of my actions."

"I assume you take this as a threat."

"More than you know." The two were now in a hallway outside the bridge. "There was an Lieutenant Wynonna, I'm not sure if you have heard of her...?"

Wyatt shook his head, "Can't say I have."

"We lost her on this rescue mission, I would rather not have any more blood on my hands dealing with Axelrod situation. So I am going to assume this information that you have has to be of the highest order." The two quickly entered the bridge. Winters motioned to G'ginloss to remain in the command chair as the two made their way to the ready room. As soon as the doors closed, Aurther spun around to face John. "Now tell me what you know."

"Are you familiar with Wyatt Davidson?" Wyatt asked the captain. "Yes your father you wouldn't shut up about" Winters chuckled. "What about him?"

"Starfleet records have him listed as missing." Wyatt explained.

Wyatt could see Winters was more confused than ever. To relieve confusion Wyatt decided to try something. "Captain, just pull up his service record. It will be easy to fine on the database."

Winters knew any chance was better than none. Sure Wyatt was reckless and led the crew on far to many goose chases. However he was not a liar. He was usually always right when it came to hunches.

"Worth a shot I suppose" Winters said.

Within moment's a picture of a young man in a Starfleet academy uniform blazed across a PADD.

"The hell? That looks like Axelrod?" No it couldn't be he thought. Winters reset the PADD to make sure it wasn't a glitch.
Nope it was him.

"Wyatt you're implying Axelrod is your father. From the past?" Winters provoked.

"Yes that's what I'm saying" Wyatt replied.

"I guess it makes sense. It would explain a lot of the indescribable things that happened." I mean I was willing to even bet a Q was behind it" Winters half joked, in a different time there would be more to explore. However time was running out. His 10 minutes was almost up, and the Romulan Sub-Commander gave off a feeling that he did not have much patience. Ensign Kronnelti's life was on the line, and he had to come up with a plan, and it had to be fast.

"Any suggestions lieutenant? I mean you clearly know more then I do at this point" Winters asked.

"I have one. As I'm not yet off this timeline let me deal with them. Let me on their ship." Wyatt boasted. Winters was skeptical because of Wyatt's past. However he knew that Wyatt was the best equipped. He thought for a moment before nodding to the man. Who promptly left his ready room and the bridge on route to the transporter room. Aurther was right behind him though and took his own station back in the centre of the bridge.


Captain Aurther Winters
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant John Wyatt


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