The Divide
Posted on Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 3:47pm by Commander Kevin Lance
The days of our lives
Location: Beta Antares
Timeline: Immediately after Taken
{Beta Antares Repair Yard}
After his conversation with Admiral Desai, Kevin proceeded to the station’s traffic control center. He hoped to be able to discover and track the vessel that Mira and the rest of the crew had been transported onto. At least that was the plan. A sweep of the base after he had discovered his family was missing had not detected any trace of Mira and as Beta Antares was uninhabitable, Kevin presumed that she and her security detail had been transported aboard a ship.
His hunch paid off. In addition to Thor’s ship, a Klingon vessel, the IKS Knoktor, had departed the system soon after the abduction. Unfortunately, that ship had almost immediately engaged cloak and disabled its transponder, so there was no way to track the vessel. Kevin complained about the violation of Federation regulations.
“We will submit a letter of protest that will be sent to the Klingon High Council,” the traffic controller replied blandly. Kevin and she both knew that such a protest would go unanswered.
The name Knoktor seemed familiar to Kevin. He asked to be allowed to use the base’s computer to check the vessel’s registry. The traffic control officer shrugged and pointed to a vacant terminal off to one side. Once logged in, he accessed the database that contained all information on all of the ships legally in Federation space and was eventually able to find the Knoktor. It was registered to House Rasmehlier.
Kevin grimaced. One of Mira’s own ships. That undercut his theory that she had been taken against her will. But if she had gone willingly, why wouldn’t she tell Kevin? He shook his head. It made no sense. It was so out of character for Mira. She must have had a reason.
“Biko to Commander Lance,” a voice emanated from his comm badge.
“Commander Lance, here,” he replied.
“You are directed to report to docking bay twelve,” the voice continued.
Kevin considered defying the order. He was no closer to finding where Mira had gone and there was the consideration of the children. He instinctively knew that reporting to the Biko would end, at least temporarily, any chance he had of finding Mira. But he knew that Admiral Desai would have no qualms about destroying the life that that he had so painstakingly built upon the deception of his youth.
He had little doubt that Mira would want to remain by his side but she was driven by her own demons of the past. Would she be able to escape them? Then there was the matter of their children. Kevin couldn’t bear the thought of Kolar and Ashla having to grow up in poverty and squalor that he had nor did he want them to be deprived of their parents, much as Mira had been, to avoid that situation. All logic was pointing in the same direction.
Sometimes the only way to get past an obstacle was to fly straight through it.
“Affirmative,” Kevin responded before logging off from the traffic control terminal.
Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris