The rest of the day
Posted on Thu Jan 30th, 2025 @ 3:52am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Red Matters
Location: USS Akira
Timeline: Present
{USS Akira, Holodeck}
Mira ran then launched herself off the side of a mountain to get to the other side of a mountain range. She had missed-calculated. She heard Awal yell at someone, which caused her to lose focus for a split second. Her focus was off just enough to miss the ledge and she slammed hard and began to slide. A hand grabbed ahold of her wrist. Mira looked up to see the face of Sgt. K'roc Nod. "Was this intentional, Captain, or? ......"
Mira laughed. "Good reflexes." Mira pulled herself up.
"Did you plan to make that jump with Kolar on your back?"
Mira shook her head no. "I changed plans when he went to play with Venus."
K'ner watched from the other side of the gap, nodding at Nod when he looked over Mira's shoulder at her. Squatting down, she scanned around, ever-watchful.
Mira sighed as she stood up, wiping the sand from her leggings. She had a few scrapes from hitting the rocks, but nothing she hadn't gotten before from mountain climbing. "Well, I will not be beating my time on this training exercise."
Nod watched her. "You have done this before?"
Mira laughed. " Yeah, of course not since we were in the Matrix." Or, since she had a baby. She had gotten a medical release as being fit for duty, but she hadn't been working out as hard as she had been. Before, she would work out until she dropped just to be able to fall asleep.
The computer beeped. =/\="Course incomplete in allotted time required for completion. Level 12 discontinue. Level 11 is being implemented." =/\=
Mira frowned at being lowered a level. it had never happened to her before. Her hand wiped the sweat off her face, and then she looked back. K'ner was there, and Montgomery had just joined K'ner. She hid her laughter. K'ner had just entered the program after them all and was ahead of Montgomery already.
"You could have taken the easy route." Mira yelled to Montgomery in a little taunt.
His jaw tightened. "If a little thing like you can do all this, then so can I." He shouted back at her.
Mira nodded. "Sure you can. Only that jump is now level 11, not 12. Next, you will be telling me you will be joining me in my yoga, calisthenics, and isometrics exercises, too."
Montgomery frowned. "Maybe. I think I would prefer that Mok'bara thing you do more. I have no idea how you do some of those inhuman moves. You twist around like a pretzel."
Mira chuckled, taking a water bottle out of her pack, and drank. Vaytoc was down with Kolar already, and Kolar had his arms folded over his chest. "Dada, not going to be happy, Mama. He no like boo boos." So, in other words, he was going to tell dada on her.
Mira wiped the blood from her elbow and yelled. "Snitch!"
Kolar gave her a playful pout and then looked up at his uncle. "Why she call me itch?"
Zimia walked into the holodeck at that question. “She probably called you Snitch. That's what tattletales get called." She had Ashla in her arms and was grinning.
Kolar frowned. "I telling dada you said I had a tail and mama called me itch."
Mira nodded, looking down at the group below, then at the 3 paths. one was a cakewalk, one more parkour, and the other was pure work out. She grinned yeah number 3, it was. A mix of rock climbing, rope swing, and ring calisthenics. "Montgomery, you will like path one more." Mira laughed at him, and she took off down path 3 with K'ner not far behind her.
Kronnelti looked at Diana, blew her a kiss and went after Mira... the chase has begun.
I'm coming for ya captain, yelled Awal.
K'ner went down one side of the hill as the Captain drove straight to the rocks, keeping her momentum to start her climb up in one movement. Quickly analyzing the face, K'ner angled her own path to parallel it, glancing to the side to see where Awal would choose to begin.
Mira laughed as she pulled herself up the rock face. When she reached the top, her left hand released the ledge and she swung around to put her back to the rock as she grabbed the ledge with her left hand. Then she kicked out with both feet to flip over the top. Rolling over quickly, she took off running. There was a series of stepping stones that led up the path, then circular rings hanging at the end of chains. The first time she had seen them, it had taken her a while to figure out that you swung one handed to the next ring, grabbing it and continuing the movement until you reached the end. This was like flying to her, and she loved it.
As she reached the end of the course, Mira could see Kolar and Venus playing. She put her hands on her knees as she squatted next to them.
Kolar looked up at her. "Mama, you wasn't the first back." As if she hadn't noticed her time was completely off. yeah, that meant some heavy gym time for her.
"Yeah, but I wasn't last." Mira told him with a grin.
"Do we have to go to the stuffy dinner party?" Kolar asked her, hopefully.
Mira's eyes met Zimia's to see how much she had wanted to go.
Zimia grinned. "I am not command staff or one of their mates, so I'll be happy to kid sit."
"You sure? I heard that the chef on this ship is amazing, and there is going to be prime rib."
Zimia hesitated, then shook her head no. "We are having pizza and ice cream."
Mira smirked "fine but you all better not bail on me."
Awal just finishing up behind Mira, huffing and puffing trying to catch his breath.... it's been a while he said.
Awal looked at Zimia, pizza and ice cream sounds good.
"OH no you don't brother. I am going to have dinner with the captain of this ship by myself. " Mira frowned
K'ner nodded at the exiting group, turning to Korra and Margo as they jogged up. "You catch anything?"
As they shook their heads she nodded. "Computer. Resume level 12 please."
When the tone sounded, K'ner sprinted off and shouted. "Again!"
She heard their excited voices... "GET HER!"
Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris
Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tac
USS Chuck Norris
Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris