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Level 1

Posted on Tue Aug 25th, 2020 @ 1:27am by Captain Grover vonMcCormick

Mission: The Game is Afoot
Location: USS Chuck Norris, Bridge
Timeline: Current


{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

"Confound it, Wyatt! I've got a passed out Captain here, whom we just jailbreaked out of Starbase 10... and now you're telling me we have to find some colony or else Collier dies?!? I'm just a Security Officer for Kirk's sake!"

Pibb considered his options as he leaned over the unconscious vonMcCormick, who fortunately had a pulse. Whatever Pibb was to do, he knew he had to act quickly.

"Mr. Pibb," someone piped up from one of the stations. Pibb didn't even notice who it was. "I was doing some research, and it appears that Admiral Yoshimeyer was charged with treason 8 years ago for selling secrets to the Romulans to pay off gambling debts."


"There's more... the charges were dropped and scrubbed from his record because all of the evidence was illegally obtained."

For an instant, Pibb thought this couldn't get any weirder, but then he came to his senses and made a decision.


What's Pibb going to do? What is everyone else doing?

Captain vonMcCormick
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris NCC-4005


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