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Stand your post...

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 10:30pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{ Shuttle Bay, USS Chuck Norris }

Peke looked up at K'ner. "But we're in the shuttle bay sir."

K'ner nodded her head, sending out updates to every other team for the impromptu exercise... "You stand your post, keep monitoring... I'm covering the parameters but this would be perfect timing to get by us when we're spread out from critical areas."

Peke nodded, watching data stream across the monitors they'd set up against one wall, ready to deploy via shuttle if necessary.

Telltales from the sensor web they'd laid out was certainly time-consuming, but not entirely boring for him, or someone like Korra who would take over in a couple of hours. A spike caught his attention and he waved K'ner over to check it out. "You're not in your office right?"

K'ner watched the screen as Peke cocked his head sideways. "What's he doing?"

K'ner didn't respond to that particular query. "Bio scan?"

Taz looked up from her display. "The visual t'would appear to be accurate L-T. It is, in fact, the Lt Commander."

"Do we beep in chief?" Peke was curious what he was looking for.

K'ner shook her head. "No. Let it play out. Encrypt and side-file these recordings, my eyes and the Captain's only. Carry on with the regular monitoring while I finish up this exercise AAR."

K'ner stepped to the side as she shifted the monitoring on her HUD to another of the cameras her team had set out. She smiled somehwat as she realized what was probably going down. Shaking her head she got her team recovered and back on their critical postings and filed the exercise report.

{ Sickbay, USS Chuck Norris }

K'ner walked in her office and double-checked her private stores. She still had enough samples to continue studies but she marked off the vial from the lab cabinet as consumed in testing. She hoped whatever he had planned played out successfully. She wasn't even on the Rommy base and she could feel the tension in the air.

{ Ready Room, USS Chuck Norris }

"Hmmmm... RIght now, I'll take any advantage we can get. If they get on this ship, there will be carnage until we get them contained." Montgomery looked at the environmental stats.

K'ner nodded once. "Given notice, we can chill most areas by 15 degrees in 5 minutes, then continue to lower in a slower curve past that. Some areas will be faster than others, depending on the heat load of course, but that's broken down in the report as well."

The COO breathed shallowly to the end of the page. He didn't look happy. He looked up at K'ner. "Lt Betaras, I appreciate your assistance while everyone is gone. I don't like the conditions, especially when we have little control over our response."

"I concur. It's not a matter of if, it's when. We are as ready as we can be, under the restraints given. I still advise having a 2-man team on the alt transporter keep focus on the command crew on the station so we can pull them back at a moment's notice." K'ner wasn't sure where Montgomery's loyalties lay, she just hoped he wouldn't abandon those away team members when it got hot.

Montgomery considered it. "I'll keep that in mind as the conditions change." As K'ner turned to depart he added, "Oh, I also meant to advise, we have a transfer pending. I got you that help you wanted in sickbay. He seems quite accomplished, clean record... although I think something is missing as he's still a lieutenant after what is otherwise a distinguished career thus far."

K'ner thought that over. "Send me his jacket and I'll make ready to receive him. As long as he's competent, loyal to the ship and crew, and pulls his weight, I can use him. Anything else sir?"

Montgomery shook his head. "Dismissed LT. Let's hope we can wrap this thing up in the next 24 hours or so and get out of here."


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris



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