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Later that Night

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 12:01am by Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 12:07am

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Romulan Space
Timeline: Current

{Romulan Space Station, Guest Quarters}

Kevin was awoken by the soft chirp of a comm badge. Mira was snuggled up to him, her head resting on his chest, continued to sleep undisturbed. Kevin was careful in settling her on the pillow as he extracted his naked form from their embrace. He rolled off the bed and grabbed the comm badge before padding out to the main vestibule.

Once he was far enough away that he felt certain that he wouldn’t interrupt Mira’s slumber, he trapped the badge in his hand. “Lieutenant Commander Lance,” he spoke quietly into the communication device.

=/\= “Good Evening, Commander,” the voice replied, “It is you friend from the shadows.” =/\=

“What do you want?” Kevin asked.

=/\= “The same as always.” =/\=

“What do you want, specifically,” Kevin asked again.

=/\= “The negotiations with the Romulans are not running in our favor. Ambassador M’Niras is getting desperate.” =/\=

“Color me surprised,” Kevin reply dryly.

=/\= “You are smarter than you look.” =/\=

Kevin did not reply to the barb.

=/\= “We believe that M’Niras is going to employ one last gamble and that the effort will involve Captain Rodale.” =/\=

“He already tried that. It failed spectacularly.”

=/\= “I’m not referring to his attempt to pimp you two out,” the voice sounded disgusted at the mention of it, “We think that he is going to put her in a much more dangerous situation.” =/\=

“He wouldn’t dare.”

=/\= “Oh yes he would. Unless you can come up with a way to convince the Triumvirate not to declare for the Gorn.” =/\=

Kevin was mute. Emotional attachment was a weapon that others used on you. Still he would do anything to keep Mira safe.

=/\= “We’ve reactivated the clandestine software on your PADD. It won’t allow you to crack the Romulan systems but you can clone the electronic identities of others and use them to disguise your electronic footprint. Concealing yourself and your activities from living humanoids will require…other means.” The shadow’s voice was silent for a moment, then it continued with genuine feeling, “Good luck, Kevin.” =/\=

The connection to Kevin comm badge went silence and Kevin sat in the darkness as he considered what he could do. The room was silent save for the crash of the simulated breakers on the distant shore. He sat in contemplation until a sleepy Mira called from the bedroom, “Kevin? Where are you?”

“Out here,” he replied as he stood to walk back into the bedroom, “I needed a drink of water.”

Mira murmured her acknowledgement as he slipped between the sheets to spoon with her. As she drifted back to sleep, he wondered where he could secure Gorn venom from.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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