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Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 5:32pm by Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr
Edited on on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 8:31pm

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current


Sorry for the silence, been travelling and otherwise busy. Picking up a sub plot hatched on Amir II involving the Romulans.


[Chuck Norris – Engineering]
Trace hummed to himself as he did his final rounds in Engineering, his thoughts entirely consumed by the warm buzz in his head that had nothing to do with his duties and everything to do with his relationship with Geneva.

The two of them had spent a great deal of time together on the Starbase before they had departed on their latest mission, with Geneva staying behind to continue her duties there. He recalled fondly the frantic few days when they had crossed the romantic line by kissing in front of her quarters. They hadn’t gone much further than that, but the chemistry was amazing, and he felt like a teenager again.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a LCARS console sound from behind him. Engineering was in docking mode, and the only crewmember on duty was him, and he was locking up for the night. He walked over to the console, which was lit up as if someone had just accessed it.

He tapped his comm badge. “Security to Engineering.” He said.

=/\= “Security here, go.” =/\=

“Intruder alert, Engineering.”

He walked around the corner as a shadow moved in his peripheral vision. He turned and, where he expected to see an intruder, there was nothing.

He reached under a nearby console for his modified phase revolver but, inexplicably, his hand stopped. It was as if an invisible barrier was between his hand and his pistol.

A voice like silk seemed to penetrate his mind. *Lieutenant Tracey Walker*, it said. *You will forget this incident.*

Seconds later, two security guards rounded the corner.

“Where’s the intruder?” one of them asked.

Trace looks confused for a minute. “What intruder?”


Lieutenant Tracey “Trace” Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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