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A penny of thoughts

Posted on Fri Sep 22nd, 2023 @ 8:33pm by Captain Mira Rodale

{Personal Logs}

I feel a little bit like that girl in earth story about the white Rabbit. I hope my life doesn't get that crazy. But honestly, the last 4 years have been this way.

A decision needs to be made about the ship coming our way.

While my male counterparts are discussing the points of each plan we could use, I am looking for a good place to move the ship to. Even if it is to temporarily hide us.
A few hours could make all the difference.

After reading the history of the Terrarns, I don't mind its fall, but the Klingon / Cardassian alliance had been just as ruthless in the Tenarans subjugation as the Terrarns had been, making them no better. I personally wouldn't pick either side.

Still, it would seem that every time the federation has tried to aid in the mirror universe, it hadn't turned out well.

This is yet another time I am happy the final decision doesn't rest on me. I am going to need to change the crew list around to ensure the few people in operations that can speak either Klingon and Cardassian are on the bridge while we are in the mirror. We can't rely on the UT for commications.

Speaking of the UT, I wonder if the mirror has had any dealings with the Zaj and if we can get any of that information. I think I know the man to ask. lt jg. Steven Louis Wright, his file stated he was good with computers. I'll have to talk with him.

if they could go back home with a complete working language for that race, it might save lives.

computer save personal log.

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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