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Posted on Wed May 8th, 2024 @ 3:09am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Flux
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{USS Chuck Norris, Bridge}

Mira had just been about to get up to leave the bridge when Chin turned in his seat. "Captain incoming message. The USS Aries."

Mira raised an eyebrow. "Put them on the main screen."

"Aye captain," Chin confirmed.

"USS Chuck Norris, are you still in need of aid?" Came from the other ship.

"I believe we took care of the last ship, it was a little touchy for a while." Mira remarked to who she thought was the captain of the Aries.

"My name is Captain Mark Leachen. How many ships hit you?"

"Captain Mira Rodale. It's was 4. we got the first one and started to clean out the Hachling, but 3 more came after us."

"This planet isn't on our maps." Captain Mark Leachen commented

"That was what drew us here. The inhabitants have the ability to travel back in time to hide. I will send what information we gathered. Just, if they ask you to stand in a certain spot or have something to eat or drink, refuse.”

Mark Leachen laughed. "Can't wait to read this report. According to our records, you have another 2 days of travel, will your ship be able to handle that?"

Mira slowly shook her head no. " We have too many injured and lost crewmen. I am taking us back to base but was worried about the Gorn in this area."

He nodded. "We will finish your patrol and check up on the Gorn."

Mira smiled. "Thank you. I own a bottle of your favorite whiskey."

Captain Leachen laughed. "I wouldn't turn down a bottle of earth Tennessee whiskey if you can find it."

"We will see what we can do, Captain." Then the screen went blank.
Mira had a killer headache. "I am going to check on the injured then Kolar. You have the bridge." Mira told them before walking out

{Sickbay }

"How is everyone?" Mira asked one of the nurses. "They are all improving. Walker is able to drink some water. Ensign Craig will make a full recovery but is still sleeping.

Mira walked over to Walker. "No sense in asking how you're feeling. Just rest. The ship is headed back to base for repairs, and I am putting us in for leave time. I am sure you're going to want to supervise repairs, but do it from a chair.
There are also some major finds going on in that cave you found. I made sure you got full credit. There are some more opportunities in the surrounding planets if you're interested. But right now, just rest." she smiled, then walked away.

"How are you feeling, captain?" A nurse asked with some concern in her voice.

Mira shrugged. "Headache. Hands are a little shaky."

The nurse scanned her and then nodded. " Are you going to get something to eat and rest?"

"That's the plan," Mira told her
"Good, you need it." The nurse smiled.

After looking in the mess hall and seeing how crowded it was, she thought better of going in, so she headed to see Dianna's instead to pick up Kolar.

{Kronnelti quarters}

Kolar was crying and looked pail. She picked him up and hugged him. "oh its OK, little guy."

"Mama dada," Kolar cried

"Mama's got you," she soothed him. She nodded to Dianna and Zimia before heading back to her own quarters with Vaytoc following them. Laying down in the bed, she held him close and started to sing a little lullaby until he fell asleep.
She knew Kevin would be free soon and she could eat with him.
But for know she would just lay here.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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