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Blood wine and vengeance

Posted on Sat Mar 23rd, 2024 @ 10:01pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Blood wine and vengeance
Location: USS Chuck Norris/ SB364
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris. briefing room}

Mira had fallen asleep again in the briefing room. She opened her eyes at the sound of the message, reminding her she had an appointment with the admiral. Normally, Mira would have asked Kevin to accompany her, but...... She guessed he had a lot on his mind and wouldn’t bother him until he seemed interested. She didn't want to make things any more awkward than they were.

Kronnelti would no doubt be with his mate as he should be. She looked down at Vaytoc, "Just you and me, Buddy."

Vaytoc's fur had come back in, and he was back to his black color. She tugged on her uniform jacket. It was loose now that she had dropped all the weight she had gained.

{Admiral office/SB364}

She rubbed her spots on her temple, but with a frown, then keyed entry to Fleet Admiral Proll’s office. She heard his deep gruff voice say enter.

He looked up from his padd and nodded "Good, you are on time. Have a seat." he looked back at the PADD. Mira frowned, but she placed a hand on Vaytoc's back to calm her. Vaytoc didn't seem upset, so maybe the Caitian wasn't as upset as she thought.

"Good report. You managed to keep the prime directive intact. Are your people all good? "

"Yes, Admiral, they all should make a full recovery." Mira told him.

"Good." He nodded and then tossed her a small black box. Mira caught it with one hand and then raised an eyebrow at him in question.

"Open it," he told her firmly. When Mira looked inside, he added, "The captain position is now yours, permanently."

"But Captain Intermeezo," Mira started to say, only to be cut off with the admiral's answer.

"Has taken another assignment, leaving you as Captain."

Mira nodded her understanding. That panic feeling she always associated with the thought of being in the Captain’s position had lodged itself right in the middle of her chest. Or, was she having a heart attack? Maybe both?

Admiral Proll snickered as he stood up and walked around the desk to pin the pip on her uniform. "I assume you want to keep your command staff as you have it."

Mira nodded.

"Good," he sat down. "Is there anything else?"

Mira frowned. "I can't seem to find any information on the whereabouts of my family in Klingon space. Is there anyone I could get some intel from?

Proll started swiping through his PADD. "Commander Krum is stationed here."

Mira's eyes widened. "His family and Kolar's are close." She had met the man a few times. "Thank you. Could I barrowed a shuttle?"

"Of course, Captain, it's part of the perks." he told her, then stood to shake her hand.

Mira walked out of his office so overwhelmed she wasn't sure what to do. one problem at a time. Make sure her family was safe.

{Klingon blood wine Hall, lower decks of the base}

Mira had told herself to stay away from this level she even told the crew to, but the Guy she needed help from would only be found here. Walking up to the bar keeper, in Klingon, she asked for a blood wine and then asked for Commander Krum.
the Wine was placed before her and he pointed over to the corner of the room.

There was a large group of men sitting at a table. She could see this going either way.

Walking up to the table, in a loud voice, she said in Klingon "I am looking for Commander Krum."

One of the men laughed "And who would you be"

"Mira Widow of Kolar sutai-Rasmehlier" Mira told them.

Things got very quiet in the room as a man stood up and he nodded "What can I do for you, Lady Rasmehlier."

"I lost contact with the house Rasmehlier and seek information."

The man closest to Krum stood, giving her his chair. "Both Your houses are under attack."

Mira bit her lip. "Garahl or the Harbinger? "

He shook his head "No word. He is either dead or his ship is out of commission."

Mira set back with a frown. "Captain K’lar Rasmehlier of the USS Conqueror?"

He shook his head. "He and his family was attacked. His youngest child Kolar was taken. Both K'lar and Kiara Rodale have been hospitalized. The federation doctors were able to save Kiara Rodale."

Mira turned pale "They took my son? Who took my son? "

Krum’s eyes widened "Your son? This makes sense since this no house warrior had petitioned for Kolar's mates hand."

Mira frowned "Who is this targ that has my son?"

"J'pok Okac Son of No-one." He told her.

"Who has a ship headed in these coordinates." Mira showed him the PADD with K'lar’s house on it. From there she would track down this petaQ. no one touches her son and lives and there was no way she was taking him as a mate.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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