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Permission to be on the bridge

Posted on Sat Mar 9th, 2024 @ 1:16am by Crewman Dianna Kronnelti & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Thunderdome
Location: Star base 364
Timeline: Current


{SB364, personnel quarters Kronnelti}

After Kronnelti talked to me and Spike being very protective, not realizing it was my husband.

She messaged Mira personally to talk with her, and it was important.

(Message to Captain Rodale)

Hi Mira I need to talk to you about Kronnelti and I have a question to ask you, please come to my room on the base please.

Dianna Kronnelti

{Captain’s Ready Room, USS Chuck Norris}

Mira read the message and frowned. She set up a transmission from her screen to the one in Kronnelti's quarters on the base.

It took a while for Dianna to answer it, but there was her worried looking face. "Hi Dianna, are you ok? Do you need medical? " it took a few moments to understand Dianna was confused about her face change "Sorry hun we are going on a mission to a planet that doesn't know there is anyone outside of their world. To do that, we have to look like them. Was Kronnelti aggressive with you?" Mira asked, wondering if that was the problem.

No he wasn't, actually it was the opposite he was scared and nervous. He didn't come in all the way as spike was actually snarling at him she said.

Mira nodded. "Spike is not going to recognize him...or me." she looked over at Vaytoc. "I can't even send Vaytoc to explain to Spike because he wouldn't know Vaytoc right now."
Mira rubbed her forehead with her fingertips and then frowned because the ridges felt odd. "How about if I send Kronnelti to my quarters, and you could meet him there without Spike, and I'll have Zimia go and stay with you on the base for this mission so your not alone?"

Please I'd love that, I actually love spending time with her too.

He's not saying anything about this mission except what you said.

Please send me a message once he is in your room. Dianna asks

"We honestly don't know anymore than that. People were living there and we hadn't heard from them. We are going to make sure they are alright. I will talk to Kronnelti right now." Mira told her before tapping her commbadge."Lt Kronnelti and Zimia, please report to the readyroom."

Both Kronnelti and Zimia chimed that they were outside, Mira answered Enter.

Yes Captain said Kronnelti

Yes Mira answered Zimia.

Mira smiled "Zimia I would like for you to stay with Dianna for this mission. Is that ok?"
Zimia's eye widened "I would love to"

Mira nodded " ok wait for Kronnelti in the transporter room until he gets there. "

Once the girl left Mira stood up and came around the desk.

"I know right now you have odd feelings running around in your head. I know because I have them to. It's the treatments. How to be a good mate for Dianna you need to go meet her in my quarters and hug her. Tell her you love her and you will back as soon as you can. Tell Zimia to straight to your quarters and let Dianna know that your in my quarters. OK?"

Kronnelti understood the safety of this mission and how risky it's going to be, he nods.

Kronnelti messages his wife telling her to come to Mira's room.

Dianna's padd chirped, she opens the message and immediately goes straight to Mira's room.

(Mira's personal quarters)

Dianna opens the door to find a strange orange klingon but not klingon.

She runs up and into his arms crying, he holds her tight.

Dianna he stops for a moment and looks her in the eyes. I love you and I promise to come straight back to you and when I do, he whispers something in Dianna's ear that makes her weak.

She kisses him and says I love you too, just go easy when you do honey as she taps his cheek.

Go these people are waiting for you guys, and just before he leaves she grabs him and gives him the most x rated smooch for well a come back gift.

Kronnelti freshens up and finds Zimia, head to my room, Dianna will be expecting you he said.

{SB364, personnel quarters Kronnelti}

Zimia smiled as Dianna came back into the quarters "Mira said I get to stay with you this mission. " She got up an hugged Dianna "Mira. Kevin and Awal all look so different right now. Mira is calling herself a pumpkin" Zimia laughed. "I still think she us pretty but she doesn't believe me."
Zima told her.

Mira will always be herself even if she's changed to a different species. Dianna said to Zimia.

And this is for a life or death situation.

They will bring those people home as she sits on the bed and pulls Zimia in to cuddle.

Just as Zimia lays against her belly she gets kicked.

Somebody is saying hello to you.

"I can't wait to meet you little one" Zimia told her


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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