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Let the fun begin

Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 4:44pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: SB 364
Timeline: Present

{SB 364}
4:30 am

Mira was dressed in gym shorts and a sports bra. She tossed her other things she would need in a small duffel bag and grabbed her third cup of Raktajino.

As she walked to the door, it chimed, opening it she raised an eyebrow at the group of Ensigns standing there. "Okay, come in, but do not make yourself at home. I am heading to the gym."

As she sipped her Raktajino, they all started talking at once. She held her hand up. "Is this the same problem or....." she let the question hang since Rodriguez was happy to take over. "Commander," he punched his fist into his other hand. "We want to get even and need your advice."

Mira smirked "Well, we have to get even and let them know it came from us, but just a tad bit more than they did." She leaned a hip against the couch. "If it were me, I would hack into the computer system and at a set time have all screen feeds play a ......." She thought about then grinned. "A Chuck Norris movie. Then, your ‘one-up' will be that, even if they change the video feed, a different Chuck Norris movie will play. Make sure when you do this, it's in some out of the way spot on the base, so it will be hard for them to shut it down. Don't mess with the security feeds. Use the air vents to get where you need to go."

She saw a few nodding their heads "Ok, get out of my hair," She said as she walked them all out, then headed to the gym.

{SB 364, gym}

Mira's eyes widened in surprise. This place was amazing. She got a permanent locker assignment and stored her bag. She wanted to do everything now. "Let's run, Vaytoc. "

Mira warmed up and stretched before she set off running. She set a good speed that kept Vaytoc happy.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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