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What to do

Posted on Sun Feb 25th, 2024 @ 3:22pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: Trill Village
Timeline: Present

{Trill Village}

Mira came awake with a gasp. What was that sound?" She slipped from the bed in a man's button down shirt. It was soft and came almost to her knees.

It was really strange not having Vaytoc around to protect her. She peeked out the window and saw a couple of lizardmen walking around, and they had lizard-like dogs. She had built it up in her mind to be funny, but it was more terrifying than funny.
Mira's fingertips touched her lips. Crap! OK then, she would go out in daylight and avoid them.
Mira grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her as she curled up in a large chair.
She felt... scared. She hadn't been without someone around for over eight years. Vaytoc had always been there.

~ You have me now. you're not completely alone.~
Mira heard Rodale's voice inside her head. It was a little odd thinking of the Symbiont as Rodale.
"I know I do, and thank you for keeping my memories safe for me last night. I don't feel like I am missing any.

If the lizards weren't outside, she would get up and do something. Like start chopping the wood to get breakfast going. Or going for a run, maybe workout. But she was too scared to step outside.
She sat there a little stunned. When had she let something like lizard guards keep her trapped?

"Rodale, are you ......scared"
There was silence, then I little ~ Yes ~

Mira nodded, wonderful. Well, that would be normal for someone so young. She would just have to work around it. As the light started to come out, she slipped outside, picking up the axe as she walked.

It had been a while since she needed to chop wood, but it was good exercise.
Mira slipped on gloves and started to swing the axe.
Lost in her work, she didn't see one of the lizardmen watching her work.
Bami joined her. "Oh my, this will last all week. You must have gotten up really early."

"I couldn't sleep, Bami. I miss Vaytoc," Mira told her as she started gathering the wood up to bring to the other cottages.

Bami smiled. "Perhaps we need to get you a pet?"

Mira frowned. She hoped she wouldn't be here that long. of course, the others thought this was permanent. "Not right now, Bami. I am not giving up on Vaytoc."

Mira's eyes widen at the sight of the guards. "Are they normally around in daylight?"
"Not normally. Dear, perhaps they think you will try to escape, again." Bami told her

Mira raised an eyebrow. That had been her plan.
Verad smiled as she handed him a bundle of wood. "Thank you, Mira. Come in and have breakfast with me."

Mira nodded. "I saw the patrols last night they even were here in daylight."

Verad shook his head as he put the food down on the table. "I don't like this. You need to move back in here. If not that, then with Saru or Bami. I don't like the interest keepers are showing in the village."

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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