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Ye Who Seek

Posted on Sat Feb 24th, 2024 @ 2:26am by Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: Eden
Timeline: Current



“What are you?” Trace asked.

“I am a Seeker node.” Replied the computer. “Please identify yourself.”

Trace almost responded as he would have naturally to the interrogative, by stating his name, rank and affiliation, but a glimpse at Geneva Thorne out of the corner of his eye made him reconsider. She didn’t speak, but the wide look in her eyes in the almost imperceptible shake of her head caused him to change tacks. He couldn’t say why.

“Uh…I am also a Seeker.” He said, uncertainly. “I am seeking others of my kind.”

“Please clarify. Other humanoid creatures or others of your species?” The computer asked.

“Others of my species.” He said.

“Assets of that type are zoned in section thirty three.” Responded the computer.

“Can your release them?” Trace asked.

“Negative, that would violate protocol.” Said the machine.

“Who made you?” Trace asked.

“Invalid question.” The computer replied.

“What is your purpose?” Trace asked.

“Invalid question.” Replied the computer.

Trace gritted his teeth in frustration, and Geneva spoke up. “Please state your mission.”

The computer hummed for a moment. “I have been designed to collect species of all kinds for the purpose of preservation. My program is absolute.”

“Who programmed you?” Geneva asked.

“That information is classified.” The computer responded.

“Show me section thirty three.” Geneva said, and looked up at a monitor above one of the stations that had lit up in response. It wasn’t far.

Trace looked at the Assistant Science Officer for a long time. She was smart and beautiful. He tapped his comm badge. “Lt. Walker to the Norris.”

=/\= “Lance here, go.” =/\=

“We’ve located a habitat we think the crew are in. We’re headed there now.”


Lieutenant Tracey “Trace: Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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