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Questions without Answers

Posted on Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 8:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 1:32am

Mission: Visit to Eden
Location: USS Chuck Norris Biome on Eden
Timeline: Current

{Main Life Support, Deck 3}

Engineering Mate Monica Gibson beat her pneumatic spanner against the console in frustration. “This makes no sense,” she shouted, “I can’t find anything wrong! It should be working!”

“Ease there, Mon,” Computer Specialist Gavron Y’Efrak gently soothed, “I pretty sure that the console isn’t being obstinate on purpose.”

Gibson turned on Y’Efrak ready to smash him with the spanner but when she met his eyes, they both broke into peels of laughter.

After they caught their breath, Gavron returned his attention to the monitor. It should have been displaying data on the ship’s life support systems but was instead blank. Not even a blinking cursor. Unable to interface the system using the accustom touch display, Gavron had attached an emergency keyboard to the computer. He typed commands, from memory, to initiate a reboot of the display system. But nothing happened.

“That’s weird” the computer tech stated finally, “The computer should be doing something. Even if only giving me an audible error message. It’s like the code has been erased.” He tried once again before raising his hands in defeat. He walked over and sat down next to Monica where she was leaning back against the wall.

“What’s going on, Gav?” Monica asked, concern having long ago overtaken he anger, “Most of the crew disappears, simple mechanical devices work,” she waved her spanner, “but more complex systems don’t. Our personal comm badges still work but the ship’s intercom doesn’t.”

Gav let out a long breath. “I don’t know, Mon. I’m just happy that I’m not Captain Intermeezo right now.”



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