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The Search

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: Uss Chuck Norris/DS9
Timeline: current

Kronnelti walked onto the bridge to take his spot behind the captain's chair, unfortunately he overheard Mira & the capt are both missing...

Zimia with a loud bellowing voice where is Mira?

She knows when the Lt is upset when she hears the authority in his voice, I I I I don't know sir she said. We only know she's missing because Vay'toc is right here.

Kronnelti walks down and sees him. Come here, he said as he walked to him. Zimia please come with me and take Vay'toc with you.

Yes sir with a nervous cracked voice she and Vay'toc followed Kronnelti to his room. I want you to look after both Spike & Vay he said. I will have this room securely locked so nobody will be able to enter without a code.

Kronnelti then leaves and heads back to the bridge, Larry what is the last known whereabouts the commander was last?
"DS9" He took out a padd "She went to the bar looks like she got food and a Raktajino"


Rodriguez was still sitting in the bar trying to make scenes of what Vaytoc had sent him in a few images.

He tapped his combadge. =/\= "You know Chin, Vaytoc was really acting odd when Bashir walked into the bar. Vaytoc didn't want the doctor to see him. He also sent me an image of Mira being pushed into a transporter by the doctor. At least it looked like a transporter, and it made Vaytoc upset because he couldn’t sense her now." Like she had been transported. =/\=

"Yeah, she did say she was going to talk to Bashir. Her PADD made an inquiry on coordinates that ended up being sickbay. " Chin told him.

=/\= wait are there transporters in sickbay on the base? If so, we didn't check them. =/\= Rodriguez cursed.

Kronnelti leaves and heads to ds9 to find any more clues on Mira's disappearance.

The great thing about ds9 is the bar isn't far from docking, he finally arrives at the bar and sees Rodriguez.

Rodriguez report says Kronnelti as he sniffs the air.

Rodriguez stood up, "Sir Mira wouldn't just leave her cat running around on his own. She isn't on this base. I bet if we check the planet she isn't there to. Just like the captain. But there is one place a few people on this base has gone and still been on this base only they didn't call it DS9. The doctor knows something."

You are right with Vay'toc she never leaves him behind, has he shared any images of what he saw asked Kronnelti? Also I am going to talk with this Dr he said and if there is anything I hate more are crooked Drs.

Rodriguez nodded. " Yeah, he seemed to think the doctor was trying to stop them from finding the captain, and he smelled funny. " Rodriguez frowned, then added.

"I haven't figured out what he meant by that. It could be anything from an emotional scent to changing his cologne, or he thought the smell didn't go with the image he had of the scene. Mira has had years of working with him. She would have known what he meant."

Rodriguez ran his fingers through his hair. "I am betting we find that transporter we find Mira."

=/\= Kronnelti to Zimia release both Vay'toc and spike to my location on ds9 =/\=

Without replying back she transported both cats to Kronnelti.

He gives them both some jerky and says sniff.

Rodriguez take spike with you.

If there is a transporter here it's within a hidden room that nobody knows about he said.

Vaytoc shook his head and pulled on Kronnelti pants with his mouth then took off at a fast pace back to medical.

He stopped every once in a while to make sure Kronnelti was still running after him.

When he got to sickbay he stuck is head in the door and looked around. There was only a woman in the corner. Vaytoc ran in and started to jump around on the medical transporter like he was trying to get it do something. When Kronnelti walked in Vaytoc bounce some more, then ran to the console and swipped at it with his paw then jump on the transporter again, swishing his tail back and forth.

Kronnelti goes up to the control panel and looks at it. It only takes a moment to look over the controls but something was off, his nose started tingling. If Vay'toc saw the dr at the controls then he can get a sense of what to press.

Vay'toc he yelled show me the dr at the controls right before Mira was energized he said. Vay'toc shows the dr pressing a sequence of controls, Kronnelti said stay there you're going to see Mira in just a second as he started purring loudly.

=/\= Rodriguez come to sickbay stat Vay'toc might have found Mira =/\=

He inputs the controls while looking at Vay'toc he energizes and is gone.

Rodriguez came running into sickbay, Spike right next to him. Vaytoc was in a low crouch and hissing at the transporter.

Rodriguez input these controls in this order as kronnelti showed him without actually touching them.

Both Kronnelti and spike joined Vay'toc on the transporter.

Rodriguez energize now!

{Terok Nor}

Mira fought, but with each impact of the swords, her arm grew weaker. The vibration was painful. Her opponent was not holding back. On the next swing, when the swords connected, he pushed hard, sending her into a wall. Hitting her head, Mira blinked to clear her vision.

after Mira clears her vision and her attacker is rushing to take the killing blow two large cats and a klingon energize right in front of her, the klingon takes his phaser and shoots him not killing him just knocking him out.

Vaytoc rushed forward, taking a hold of her attacker's arm with his mouth, shaking his head violently. Spike joined in, bitting the guy's leg and shaking his head.

Mira stumbled into Kronnelti's arms. "By all that is holy, you have amazing timing, Brother." she grinned.

Mira rolled her eyes at the cats."Ok, guys, he isn't getting up anytime soon. We need to get out of here." She leaned into Kronnelti."I got shoved into the medical transporter and got sent here. I looked all over for the captain, but he isn't here. Seems the Angel of Death has a hit out on her, and this guy thought I was her."

I know who she is he said, I remember seeing the other me and the other you he said.

Lets get out of here, Kronnelti holds onto Mira and walks over to vay and spike. =/\= Rodriguez 5 to energize said Kronnelti =/\=

on the other side Rodriguez inputs the same controls and just like that all 5 come back. I need a security team here stat for this guy on the ground he's knocked out but he needs to be in a high security brig.

Now you go to sickbay on chuck norris, I have to pry at this dr. Vay'toc & spike assist her and if anybody i mean anybody tries to attack her do a good job for me as he gives them more jerky.

Mira nodded she was banged up. She hadn't thought of bringing the assassin back with them but ..... Ok. "Right now we don't know what Doctor is who. None if this is making sense. "

Mira left sickbay to head to the USS Chuck Norris with the cats.


Lt Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security/tactical
Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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