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War time

Posted on Sun Jan 21st, 2024 @ 11:08pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: Planet hell
Timeline: Present

{IKS Che’Ta’ }

As Mira stepped out the Bird-of-Prey, the heat hit hard. She shielded her eyes with her hand to look out over the terrain. She had dressed in black shorts, a black tank top, and her running shoes. It was hotter than she remembered. Guess her body was getting used to being aboard the ship, after all.

“Vaytoc, stay with Krum.” Mira smiled. He didn’t look very happy about it. “ If I get in trouble, you can come save me.”

Captain Krum up behind to hug her. “Everything ok?” Mira laid her head back on his chest to look up at him “Yes. I was just wondering if this was going to work as well as it used to, or have I gotten soft.”

He gave a laugh and then handed her a breathing mask. “You’re stronger than you used to be.”
Mira didn’t bother to argue with him. She hadn’t meant when she was on DS15. She meant after she was rescued.

The weapons master on the ship had fitted her with a new harness for the Mek’leth she normally carried on her back. It felt good to have it back on since the other one had been burned in the fire.

It didn't take long for her to hear that dreaded sound again. The creatures reminded her of Raptors from Earth’s history, but these stood 6’ tall, walked on two legs, and had a long tail.

“There is a ravine about a ¼ a mile that way. Their den is ½ mile in the opposite direction. I’ll get them to follow me, and you pick them off as we go. At the end of the ravine, there is a ledge that I should be able to jump up and pull myself over it.” Mira told him.

Krum’s eyes widen. “You should be able to? Or you can do it?”

Mira laughed “Well, I have done it before, so I should be able to do it again. If it doesn’t work, just know that my last words were ‘damn it, that didn’t work’.” She laughed and took off running before he could say anymore.

The lizards were hanging out in the same spot as always. Mira came around the corner kicking up dirt. “Hey, catch me if you can!” she slipped the Air mask on her then took off running. Most lifted up their heads and made this chattering sound then, started off after her.

It really was a race for her life and a few of them was getting too close for comfort. Just as she got to the right spot Mira jumped and for the briefest moment she thought she was going to miss. Her hand connected with a thud then she swung herself facing out ward. She kicked one of the lizards in the face as she swung her feet over her head and landed on her stomach. Mira pulled her face away just as a lizard snapped its jaws were her face had been. as it started to follow her up K'hoshi shot it and Vaytoc came running to her side.

The Klingons were down below fighting the Lizards with bat’leth. Mira shook her head. The creatures were putting up a good fight and Mira was happy she wasn’t in the midst of all that.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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