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Making plans

Posted on Sun Jan 21st, 2024 @ 5:02am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: IKS Che'Ta'
Timeline: Present

{IKS Che'Ta' }

Mira was on her second blood wine when her PADD chirped it was Kronnelti

=/\= maybe, I heard my brother G'ginloss was on our home planet Qo'noS. When you get bored, come here =/\= Kronnelti replied

Mira smiled. Qo'noS was beautiful this time of year, and Kronnelti would have fun with his brother.

Mira changed out of her uniform and into some of the clothes she had just gotten. Mira picked the gray utility pants, a gray tank top, and then added the burgundy pullover sweater. It hung off one of her shoulders. Coming back out, she joined everyone for dinner. Mira felt a little out of place, not wearing Klingon leather, but none of the women were her size.

"Ah, much better." Krum pulled her into the chair next to him then handed her a PADD. "So where is the best place to put down and start our hunt."

Looking at the map over, she studied it carefully. "I crashed here. it's very swampy. I made my camp over here. The ground is good, and it's not as hot as some of the areas." Mira told them all.

Krum nodded. "Then that's our plan." He smiled at her.

K'hoshi took a seat next to her mate, Thoc Lelkeng. "Then we listen for their calls," K'hoshi grinned.

"Yeah, once you hear that, you will never forget it." Mira gave a little shiver just remembering the sound.

Krum smiled. "So, are you looking forward to being back on hell?"

Mira didn't have to think about it. " I wouldn't be going by myself. " She patted her huge cat. Vaytoc gave a very cat like snarl. "If it wasn't for this big guy. I would have been a lizards dinner."

Krum grinned, then tosses Vaytoc a targ leg. "Well, we will be there by morning. How would you feel about leading them into a trap?"

Mira smirked. "You want me to play bait?" she asked with a laugh. At his nod and raised eyebrow, Mira knew it was a challenge.

"Did Garahl tell you he couldn't get them to chase anyone on his crew?" Mira asked. At his nod, she sighed. “In a way, that makes sense. A Klingon might smell more like a predator while I smell like a meal."

Thoc shook his head no. "More like a snack." K'hoshi slapped him, making Mira laugh.

"Yeah, I can do that, and I know the perfect place for it to. " Mira smiled. "I have been wanting to run. Guess I should have watched what I wished for." Mira laughed They had better get some sleep or everyone would be to hung over for a good hunt.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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