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Round about

Posted on Thu Jan 4th, 2024 @ 11:57pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Avenger
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{Shuttle Sierra-01}

Mira had jumped rotation after deeming one of the young ensign unfit and needing more rest. "If he is fit to fly by the time my rotation comes up in 4 hours, he can take it. Otherwise, I'll fly that one too. We are running out of time. End of discussion. "

She made a cutting motion with her hand as she walked into the shuttle, followed by an ensign from the engineering department. If she remembered correctly, his name was Coby.

Mira gave him a smile. " Keep an eye out for anything unusual."

"Aye, commander." he told her, looking nervous.

Mira smiled. "Take a deep breath and let it out. Is it me or the mission making you nervous...Cody?"

He smiled. "Maybe a little of both, ma'am …or sir?"

Mira laughed. "Ma'am or commander will do. Just relax."

Mira had taken a comms earpiece and had the shuttle set to pick up all transmissions. she was used to mentally filtering out unwanted sounds and transmissions.

They had been at this for hours.

"Found something, commander," Cody told her.
Mira sent the data back to the Norris. It looked like it could be another piece of the computer core and a console.

“Roger, Sierra-01.” Kevin replied, “Dispatching a Worker Bee to your area. Stand by.”

it didn't take long for a Worker Bee to show up. Then, Mira got the message that she exceeded flight time and to head back in. "Fine, Sierra-01 heading in."

This was driving her nuts. You go out to do a job, then have to return to the ship in the middle of the job. She was more of the start something and work until it is done type of woman.

Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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