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Time to Take Action

Posted on Mon Dec 18th, 2023 @ 12:09am by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: CSI: Chuck Norris
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current


Kevin adjusted the flight path of the ship slightly and monitored the tactical sensors directed 180 degrees from their line of travel. The Andorian and Vulcan ships following them altered their own fight plans but aside from that, the sensors detected no additional motion or anomaly.

He had reported to the Captain the presence of the communications laser and computer processing unit in the gutted transceiver on Deck 5. He had also given his opinion that a Suliban ship was following the Norris closely along the laser’s axis to receive the data stream and that the enemy was likely to be close to mitigate the loss of signal effect when the Norris maneuvered.

The Captain was much more amenable to the suggestion to use the communication laser to feed false information to the Suliban. He intended to consult with the executive officer and Lieutenant Kronnelti on the best way to exploit the advantage. Meanwhile, Kevin was back on duty at the Flight Conn, implementing his plan to draw the Suliban ship closer.

Between maneuvers, Kevin reviewed the status of the investigation into the death of the Grazerite delegate. There was little progress despite capturing two of the inflitrators. Seemed that the security team was focused more on finding and eliminating the Suliban than they were in questioning suspects. It might be time to take matters into his own hands, Kevin thought.

While examining the information about the delegtes, he ran across the video of the dinner between Sheris and Mira. Replying the evening, Kevin had to agree with Mira that he did look ridiculous in the steward’s jacket. But as the video progressed and Mira came under the effects of the drugs that she had been given, his blood began to boil. He felt anew his complicity, albeit unwitting, in what had happened to his ship’s executive officer. Another matter he felt that he needed to take into his own hands.


Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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