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What's this

Posted on Thu Dec 14th, 2023 @ 6:00am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: CSI: Chuck Norris
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{Deck 5}

As Mira stepped back, she wondered if she had made a critical error by not being transported with Zimia and Kronnelti back to sickbay

There was some klingon blood on the ground. Not as much as when she had been hit, but she wasn't as tough as a klingon. Her hand slipped to her neck, remembering how much that had hurt.

She could feel she wasn't alone and she had a few rules about fighting. One suprise works best. Two, they could never get their hands on her, or it was game over. three never fight more than one if it is possible. She was going to add four, never fight something you can't see.

Mira could see the area Kronnelti was at when he was attcked. The transporter transceiver and antigrav landing Thruster bay. Mira had done a walk about the whole ship when she became the chief of operations. Then again, when she became XO.

There wasn't a part of the ship she hadn't been in or hands on. Something was off to her. The chief petty officer walked over to her, "ma'am are you ok?"

"Chief, have we had any overhauls or .....rebuilds, added equipment? I don't remember this." she points to a small piece of equipment.

The Chief frowns then removes a section of the wall that hadn't been part of the ship originally." It's protected by a force field. Good eye, Commander."

Mira knelt down. "I don't know these marking. That shouldn't be possible on a federation ship." She pulled out her padd to check and see if it's Suliban. She nodded as she saw some of the same symbols.

"It's Suliban. Find a way to get that detached from the ship and find out what it is doing." Mira frowned. "Start having your people work in teams of at least two. Have we found out about the increase in heat?"

"No ma'am not yet. But Lt Lance is working on it, " Chief told her.

Mira nodded "Ok I am going to let you gentlemen work." she turned to leave.


K'ner had Kronnelti in bed but he was still out. "How is he?" Mira asked

"Far less damage then you had but that is expected with him being Klingon. I am almost done and he should be up soon. Commander do you expect to have alot more crewmembers having head damage?"

K'nar was very good at keeping a straight face and giving nothing away. "Well I hope not but we have Suliban running around our ship that we can't see. So no promises."

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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