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Test Time III

Posted on Wed Nov 15th, 2023 @ 2:14am by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Wed Nov 15th, 2023 @ 2:33pm

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: S’Tokkr Alpha Three
Timeline: Three Days Ago

{S’Tokkr Alpha Three}

Assisted by Faline, Kevin worked to convert a portion of the deirdra’s communications system into something compatible with Federation frequencies. Although still more than two days away, he would need a way to communicate once the commandeered Bird of Prey arrived in system. The thought that he might eventually be communicating with himself proposed some interesting paradoxes although Q had abducted him before any communication had been received from S’Tokkr Alpha Three.

Faline’s crew, her family he has discovered, consisted of one male and four other females. There were also five pre-adolescence, two boys and three girls. Faline’s species apparently tended toward a greater number of female births that had led to the evolution of a matriarchal society. Family groups consisted of only one male who served mainly in a protective capacity. Leadership and technical prowess were the domain of the females.

To Kevin’s knowledge, the Federation had never encountered Faline’s species before as they had lived in a star system on the far side of Romulan space. He did his best to emulate the first contact diplomacy that he had gleaned from observing Ambassador Wyrick on the mission to Pyxis Alpha Five but he was quite certain that he was skipping over many important steps.

Through conversation over the modifications that they were making to the ship’s communications console, Kevin learned that Feline’s species were not star faring in the way that most species were, that they tended to remain in their own star system. This was partly owing to the suspicious nature of the Romulans who had historically treated them with benign neglect. That had changed after Eisn, the main star in the Romulan home world’s system, went supernovae. The subsequent need for habitable planets had launched a combination displacement and genocide policy towards Faline’s species. Mostly pacificist by nature and inclination, they accepted the situation, sending their strongest and brightest families out to find new planets on which to live.

Kevin watched with fascination as Faline worked. The tools were designed to fit over the “hand” hooves and the small movements that Kevin had previously detected were muscles that permitted Faline to manipulate the tools to accomplish precision work. “The work is done,” she announced with finality.

A tremor shook the ship. This one was longer and stronger than others. For a moment, Kevin worried that the tremor would loosen the ship from it precarious position on the edge of the precipice but it remained firmly in place after the tremor ended.

Kevin closed and secured the communications panel. “In two or three days,” he explained, “my ship will be in range and this will allow them to find us.” He hoped. It was a gamble that his crew on a Klingon Bird of Prey deep in Romulan Space would be monitoring low band frequencies reserved for civilian use but it was the best chance that he had.

“I am confused,” Faline confessed, fixing him with large brown eyes, “if your ship is still days away, how did you end up here?”

Kevin was about to launch into an explanation of the Q Continuum but stopped himself. No need to make the situation any more complex. He simply replied, “Its complicated.”

Faline made no response but one of her large ears flicked in what might have been annoyance.

“Faline! Faline!” one of the females rushed in, her respirator in her hoof, “They’re back, and with reinforcements,”

Faline immediately ran out of the ship’s control room towards the cargo bay. Grabbing his respirator, Kevin followed.

“Do you have a weapon?” Faline asked as they entered the cargo bay.

Kevin reflexively reached for his hip. Q still had not given him anything beyond the respirator. “No,” he replied glumly.

“You have done well adapting your appendages to our tools,” she, “Perhaps you can do so with a weapon.” She handed her side arm to Kevin.

“Don’t you have any other weapons?”

“Violence is not our way,”

As they exited the cargo bay back onto the planet’s surface, Kevin observed a Romulan shuttle several hundred meters from Faline’s ship. Several figures were approaching from the direction of the shuttle and they appeared to be armed. Faline’s male stood at the end of the ramp armed with a longer weapon. He towered a good half meter over Kevin and the antlers extending from his skull gave an impression of even greater height. His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared as he prepared to defend his mates.

As Faline stepped off the ramp, the male said, “Do not go Faline. Let me dispatch them.”

“You know I can’t allow you to do that, Buckner,” she replied calmly, “Stand by and protect the family.”

With certain steps, Faline began walking towards the party of Romulan. After a moment, Kevin joined her.


Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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