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More problems to deal with

Posted on Mon Nov 13th, 2023 @ 12:39am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


Walking onto the bridge with Chin by her side, Mira shook her head. " No, there is no need for me to go to sickbay. I have been there earlier today. I'm fine. Chin, stop it. If you're not going to tell me why, then it's not important. I have too many things I have to do."

"But Commander?"

Mira frowned as her comm badge went off. =/\= Commander Rodale, please report to sickbay =/\= it was K'ner

Tapping her comm badge, she said, " Did Kronnelti have a relapse, Doctor?"

=/\= There is a blood test I need to run....on you.=/\=

Seeing the Captain was now on the bridge. G'ginloss was also there. She sighed "Ok Doc, I am on my way."

Mira looked at Chin, then narrowed her eyes at him. "Why couldn't you just tell me the doctor needed a blood test from me."

Mira wasn't even going to start wondering what was going on. She just hoped she didn't get what Kronnelti had.


"What's up, Doctor?" Mira asked her.
K'ner smiled. "This will only take a few moments, and we will have this all sorted out."

There was a small box like bed and a baby was in it. Mira moved closer. The baby was Trill. " I thought I was the only other Trill on the ship, Doctor."

"Right, you are the only Crew member that is Trill. That's why I have to run the test."

Mira looked up at Rodriguez his face was a little red from what Mira thought could be embarrassment. "Tell me what is going on?"

Rodriguez rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Surprise! We have a son."

Mira took a step back. "That's not how that works, Rodriguez. It's the woman that has the surprise baby and springs it on the man. I, as a woman, would know if it had a baby or was pregnant, so it was not a very funny joke." Mira put her hands on her hips."There is no possibility that I am a mother and even less of a possibility that you would be its father."

Rodriguez frowned.

K'ner cleared her throat "Well I don't know how, but this baby's DNA is both of yours, and from my scans and blood test, you haven't delivered a baby, so..."

Mira stumbled, backing up so quickly, then looked at Rodriguez. "What is it you're not telling me."

"I thought it was a dream. no harm in dreams, right?" Rodriguez told her.

Mira held her hand up and shook her head. " Wait, you're telling me you have dreams about me? Rodriguez, I really don't want to ever hear stuff like that coming out of your mouth again. Tell me about the baby."

"That .....Alien showed up and said it was ours, that is all I know that and the dream with you...."

"Don't go there again. You have been warned. " Mira told him, starting to get the idea of what happened. "I had nothing to do with your actions."

She paced the room, looking back at the baby every once in a while. This was Q's doing or maybe both of the Q's. "Do you want to be a father?" she asked Rodriguez.

Rodriguez shook his head no.

Mira nodded, "Fine your off the hook. Get out." she nodded to the door.

"What about you?" he asked

"If I wanted to be a mom, I would have already been one." was all she said. Then, she rubbed her forehead."Just go, Rodriguez."

He nodded and then left.

Mira stood there for a moment, feeling the movement of the ship under her boots. It grounded her a little, and then she walked over to the baby.

K'ner joined her. "What are your plans."

"His name will be Kolar Rodale Rasmehlier. I am sure my cousin and her mate will take him in. He will have something I can't give him. A 24/7 Mom and Dad plus 3 brothers to play with. It's better than what I grew up with. "

Mira sighed, "We got people to rescue. if their are any people and the... bad letter to still deal with. "

K'ner nodded. "I'll assign I nurse to look after him."

"Beings with this much power should not play games with lives." Mira told her.


Mira walked in, rubbing her forehead, " Have we found the ship? Escape pods? Anything?"

Looking over at the comms station, she was relieved it wasn't Rodriguez sitting there. In fact that ......Ensign better stay clean of her for a while.

The Captain nodded to her in greetings. "Everything OK, Lt.Commander?"
She bit her lip, "Just more games being played on us, Sir. My health is fine."

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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