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Evil plans

Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 6:25pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris/ klingon ship}

“Should I engage cloak, Captain?” Lance asked with some urgency.

Bitting her lip Mira thought about it. They should have turned on the cloak as soon as they had found the darn thing. If they did it now, then they wouldn't have weapons or shields. Decisions, Decisions. She moved to Lance's console her hand rested on the back of the chair he was sitting on as she leaned in to studied the display. "We should have enough time to use the cloak and evasive maneuvers to put enough distance between us and them Sir" Mira told the Captain.

"Make it so at our top speed and head back to Federation space." The Captain said. It would take a while, but it was the best direction to go.

Just then, Walker, as the cat, scratched Q's face. The unexpected act made Mira laugh, but she quickly put her hand over her mouth. The damage was done as she had what looked like Q's full anger directed at her.

Well crap Mira thought. Q smiled, but it wasn't pleasant. "Do you have any idea what today is Rodale?"

Mira shook her head no.

So Q continued. "Earth has an all hollows eve or Halloween "

Mira was being to get a bad feeling about this conversation but wasn't sure what Q had up her sleeve. "Since we tried the time out box, let's try something different, shall we."

Standing up straight, Mira shook her head no. "That doesn't sound...."
Q snapped her fingers.

Looking around, Mira frowned. She had been frowning a lot since she met up with the Qs. The landscape was rocky, what trees were there, looked dead, the rocks black in color with 2 moons over head. She could hear what sounded like wolves in the distance, and the whole image gave a very eerie feeling to it.

"Wonderful what now." Just then, a light appeared in the distance, making you want to head that way. Feeling like she had no other choice, Mira moved that way.

As she walked, she took note of the black sand stirring as she moved on the path. Well, now that wasn't good. What evil plan did Q have in-store for her?

The huge house looked like it had been abandoned, but a lantern was left on the porch for her, she thought.

So, did she want to go in or risk what was following her in the black sand?
Decisions, Decisions, she thought.
As the sand started to swell larger, her hand went the doorknob, and she opened the door squeak the whole time as it moved.

She looked one more time behind her, and her eyes widened. Was that moving dead bodies coming out of the ground?

Quickly, she took the lantern in with her closing the door behind her. As banging started on the door.

off Happy Halloween, I just couldn't resist.

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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