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Q-tie Pies

Posted on Wed Oct 25th, 2023 @ 5:55pm by Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Wed Oct 25th, 2023 @ 7:25pm

Mission: The Q Effect
Location: Risa
Timeline: Current

{A Beach on Risa}

Kevin finished his interrogation of a seventh Norris crew member. The fruity concoctions that the Risans were distributing aided in getting answers from the crew members who were evenly divided between being confused, frightened and jazzed at the realization that they were on Risa. He had also managed to acquire a pair of shorts that restored a measure of his dignity.

Taking a sip on the cocktail in the glass he was holding as he considered the evidence. He was prepare to fully rule out holodeck malfunction. Standard Federation holodecks sacrificed detail in the distance but the details on the horizon were well defined. Also, by his estimation, Kevin was well in excess of his allotted simulation time. The holotechs should have ended the session and could have cut the power in the case of a malfunction.

The hadn’t found a doctor amongst the crew that could rule out a cranial hematoma but to the best of his knowledge, hallucination tended to run toward the familiar or well-known. He had never been on Risa in his entire life and many of the crew members gave information that was somewhat obscure. There was no way that his brain, even if hallucinating, could produce such original details. Kevin decided to rule out a hallucination which only left abduction.

The crew members all had similar accounts of attending to duties or personal business aboard the Norris or on the Starbase before suddenly finding themselves aboard the Enterprise in 23rd Century uniforms then being instantaneously transported to Risa. Many had reported seeing a flash similar to the one that Kevin had experience. Curiously, none of the crew members had reported being on Earth giving some strength to the supposition that the abductor’s range was limited. Still, to simultaneously abduct so many crew members from secure areas of a starbase and starship indicated great power. Along with the flashed, it pointed to only one conclusion.

“Lieutenant Lance!” squealed a striking red-head in a one-piece bathing suit that was high cut on the thighs as she flung her arms around him.

Disengaging from the fierce hug, Kevin recognized the woman, “Nurse Grimm?”

“In the flesh,” she replied striking a seductive pose, “so to speak!”

“Where is Doctor Feyd?” Kevin asked

“Oh, he’s around somewhere,” she replied with a dismissive wave of her hand, “but I am soooo glad to find you here!”

This was entirely wrong. The Nurse Grimm that he knew from the USS Independence was hopeless infatuated with the ship’s doctor and never, outside of official duties, gave Kevin one iota of attention. Suspecting a hoax, he pushed back.

“Nurse Grimm would never be so nonchalant about Commander Feyd,” he said flatly

The woman gave a little pout and said, “I thought that you liked me,” There was a brief flash and then, “Perhepz dis form iz more to yoose likking.” She had transformed into a tall, solidly built blonde with long braids who was practically spilling out of the bathing suit. Kevin immediately knew her as Kera Börsdotter, the woman he had fallen in love with during his assignment to the diplomatic mission to Pyxis Alpha 5. He was certain, however, that it wasn’t Kera. She wasn’t wearing a hat.

Kevin felt his anger rising as his emotions were being manipulated. “Kera wouldn’t break her oath as shield maiden to Captain Karrelsdotter.” Indeed, she had said as much when Kevin begged her to come with him. “I won’t allow you to dishonor her memory.”

There was a flash again and the bathing suit was filled with Commander Rodale. “Perhaps the current object of your infatuation, then?”

Kevin balled his hands into fists as he angrily replied, “She is not an object of my infatuation. And even if she was, you have shown who you really are…Q.”

There was a third flash and the Q presented itself as a raven-haired woman with piercing blue eyes. “You’re no fun,” she pronounced succinctly, “and if you are aren’t any fun, I will need to send you to time-out.”

His conclusions confirmed, Kevin mediated his anger into a more conciliatory tone, “What do you want?” he demanded.

“To have fun, duh!” she responded playfully, “Haven’t you been listening?”

Before Kevin could question her further, there was yet another flash and Lieutenant JG Walker appeared at his feet, face down in the sand. Walker rolled to look up at Kevin and asked, “What the hell are you doing?”

Kevin was thinking of a reply when Q leaned her head against his shoulder and asked, “A friend of yours?”


Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Norris


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