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Just one more thing

Posted on Fri Oct 20th, 2023 @ 4:15pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Sat Oct 21st, 2023 @ 2:00am

Mission: The Return
Location: USS Chuck Norris /Spacedock
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, Conference Room}

Tossing one of the padds down on the desk of the Norris conference room . She did not feel at 100%. Darn it. She didn't even feel at 25% herself right.

Tapping her comm badge, "Lt.Commander
Mira Rodale to Captain Maltan Jenner"

=/\= Captain Jenner here=/\=

"Maltan, I have a problem."

There was a sigh =/\=Mira you have to come in, don't chicken out. =/\=

"I am turning myself into sickbay. " was her reply.

=/\= Partying too much and being hung over does not let you miss meetings. I know you weren't the XO of the USS Chuck Norris at the time, but you were in command of the USS Chuck Norris when the Zaj attacked, you managed to get their language from the Mirror universe and we need to know about the Undine. End of discussion. =/\=

Mira frowned she hadn't been out having fun. "Do you think I have a bad memory and in need of reminding of what I have done?" she huffed. "Look before you say anything else. Check my medical records. Todays entries. "

There was just the sound of beeps as he looked it up.
=/\= how bad is it?=/\= He asked with more concern in his voice now that he knew she hadn't been goofing off.

"Bad enough, I am willing to spend the day in sickbay and do whatever they say." He should know Mira didn't do sickbay ever.

=/\= Come in now. I'll meet you in the Transporter room. It will be okay. =/\=

Mira rolled her eye. "Whatever,"
He wasn't listening to her.


Stopping into sickbay, Mira said, "Reporting in Doctor, I feel terrible like I have the flu or something. All I want to do is sleep. I am, however, going over to Spacedock as ordered. When I get back, I'll come in."
The doctor frowned but did a medical scan.

{Spacedock, Transporter}

Mira took two steps off the transporter padd and stumbled.

Maltan cursed as he caught her. He had been thinking she was just trying to get out of the debriefing clearly that wasn't the case.

"I am find Maltan put me down." She pushed at his chest, making Maltan laugh

"lier. Mira, if you were fine, you would have already gotten yourself out of my arms. You are right. I should have let you go to sickbay, but this meeting is very important."

"Oh, by all that is holy Maltan, you had better not carry me into that meeting! I will do it on my own power or not at all." Mira told him.

"Alright, but at least let me get you there." Maltan told her

Mira tucked her face into Maltan's chest, not wanting anyone to recognize her. "This is damn embarrassing."

Maltan chuckled. " It's been many years since I got to carry you anyplace. if you don't mind, I think I will just enjoy it while I can." he chuckled more at the little growl she made."You have gotten really good at imitating that huge cat of yours."

"If I had the energy right now, I would punch you." Mira huffed out very annoyed.

"I am a captain. You can't do that." he told her, laughing.

{Briefing room}

Mira stood on her own and walked into the room. "Is Captain Intermeezo here? " she wispered to Maltan."I don't think so. He was here earlier. "

"Lt.Commander Mira Rodale, Executive Officer of the USS Chuck Norris reporting in Sirs." Then she nodded to the female at the table "ma'am. "

One of the admirals said to take a seat, and she did grateful she wouldn't need to stand the whole time.

That's when the questions started every one she was sure had already been in her reports. Really, if they weren't going to read them, why make them write it all down.

One of the Admiral's laughed, seeing his almost black eyes she knew he had to be a Betazoid. Well crap.

He gave her a gentle smile and then said, "Would you be willing to show us what happened. You have first-hand knowledge of two races we would all like to meet." he waved to a Vulcan in the room.

"Of course, Admiral, I will comply." Mira told them as she got up and settled on one of the two cushions on the floor. She had experienced a few mind melds in her short life.
Closing her eyes as she felt warm fingers touch her cool face. It only served to remind her how cold she felt right now.
Then the words my mind to your mind were heard.

Mira had no sense of time for a while. Then, a sense of loss was felt as the connection ended.
"Interesting." Vulcan gave her a nod as he stood. "You are dismissed, Lt.Commander Rodale. "

Oddly, Mira felt like she had more energy than when the meeting started. Getting up, she made her escape while she could.

Walking briskly, she started to head back to the ship before what little energy she had left. Maltan called after her, "Wait up why the hurry? How about an early lunch? "

Normally, Mira would have, but she shook her head. "I have been fighting sleep long enough. Clearly, it's what my body needs right now and ......." she smirked. "Resistance is futile."

Maltan smirked at her play on words "Fine I'll have you transportered there."
She rolled her eyes. "You could have done that before instead of carrying me!"

Maltan laughed, "And miss out on getting you in my arms? Not a chance."

She shook her head. "The need for violence is making itself known."

Steping back, he tapped his Comm-badge. " Lt. Brian lock onto Lt.Commander Mira Rodale comm signal and transport her to the USS Chuck Norris sickbay." He gave her a smile."Dinner to night?"

Mira got out "hopefully" before the transporter put her in sickbay on the Norris.

Putting her hand out on one of the beds to steady herself, she told the nurse "See I can be reasonable."

The nurse laughed as she helped Mira into bed. " The doctor will be happy to know that. "

Mira smirked as she settled in. "I need to be back on the base by this evening."

The nurse sighed, "That will be completely up to your own body, Lt.Commander."

The nurse had a good point, Mira just gave up and let sleep have her.

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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