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AAR / Wrapping up

Posted on Wed Oct 18th, 2023 @ 1:56pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: The Return
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

[ Armory ]

K'ner stood post as each of her team checked, cleared, and turned in their weapons. Cleaning and inspection had been brief by the thousands of hours of repetition, so the feat was quick.

"Med-bay lineup in ten. You're not back on the line until I get the Doc's sign-off." She expected the resultant groans, but most of them were actually relieved. They were all motivated to be ready for the next call but they were also smart enough to ensure they weren't going to be at a tactical disadvantage by not being at their peak.

As the squad moved off, practically in formation, K'ner smiled a satisfied smile. She sent a message to sickbay and the CMO, advising the team was headed their way, listing what injuries she'd already examined. She also made a note to check on the injured Snix when she went in for her own exam, glad they'd been able to beam him up before the transporter block was in place.

She then shot off a message to HazTL G'ginloss, copying the CO, XO, and CSO Kronnelti, advising them the team was ready to rock and roll after the medical review. She reviewed her AAR for the Outpost 382 encounter, making sure it was succinct and without bias or opinion. If her boss wanted her opinion, he'd ask her himself once he'd put together everyone's feedback.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, glad they'd fared as well as they did. That could've gone so much worse. She prepared a task list for things to review with the team members, updated the PT schedule, all the myriad of minutia that proliferated her downtime, including her observations to be added to what they knew of the Undine and how they operated... then waited... She noted each members medical review as it arrived, adjusting that person's PT schedule if needed.

It didn't take long to hit the last one, she was pleased with the overall results. They really were ready for another call to action, and she appended her note up the chain. With a heavy sigh she rose, still used to feeling the tension from the combat suit but now appreciating the fresh air on her skin.

[ Sickbay ]

Nodding to Lt Sheela after her exam and team review, K'ner walked over to check on Snix. Durzo had already went over the details but she wanted to check on him and see how he was doing.

"Snix... you learn anything today?"

"Yeah boss. Don't depend on your combat suit to make you invulnerable!"

K'ner chuckled lightly. "True dat. We are due those new upgrades when we reach Earth, so that's something to look forward to." She looked him over, confirming he was knitting well. "You should be outta here tom'w. I've got your PT schedule laid out, but you're off the line until the Doc clears you."

She expected the grimace and subsequent complaint from her squad-mate, although there was little strength in it. "Awww mannnn..."

She shook her head and turned to make her exit, giving him the handsign that she was watching him. He'd be back on the active team in a couple of days likely, so the time wouldn't really be much different for him than any of the rest of the team. Just not as much knocking around... yet...

Satisfied with her day, K'ner headed for her bunk to prepare for the next run... Ah, the possibilities were endless...


Lt-Jg Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team / Combat Medic
Asst Med Off
USS Chuck Norris, NCC-4005


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