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Posted on Sat Oct 14th, 2023 @ 12:51am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: The Return
Location: Outpost 383
Timeline: Present


{Outpost 382 Headquarters, CO office}

Mira laid her head back on the chair and closed her eyes. The things she had read would give her nightmares for years to come. How could Captain Williams and Captain Joffery Maclor of the USS Equinox order that the kind of treatment on any being. She was going to report them all to the federation.

=/\= "Lance to Rodale." =/\=

Tapping her comm badge “Rodale here.”

=/\= “I have a representative of the Undine and its wants to negotiate.” =/\=

Mira sat up quickly. "Where are you?"

=/\=Medical Facility=/\=

Mira looked at the comm station. If they damaged it again, she might not be able to fix it. " Ok, I am on my way."

Coming out of the office, Mira looked at everyone. "We need this," she touched the comm station "to be able to reach off this outpost. Walker and Sokolov, you're with me. Everyone else, hold HQ. Rodriguez keep trying the ship."

As they stepped outside, Mira looked around. "We need to get to medical double time." Mira tucked the padd into her jacket and closed it. "Hope you two can keep up." Mira nodded." If anyone is watching, we do this fast and as safe as we can. Shoot anything that shoots at us. now. "

Mira took off. She loved to run and was fast for her size. Ducking behind what she was able to and she didn't keep to a straight line as she ran.

Half expected to be fired at, and this to all be an attack she didn't want to have HQ exposed but after what she had read, she felt she owed the Undine a chance and face to face meeting, preferably without all the pain this time.

Walking into the medical facility
she had hopped she would run into K'ner here, or she could be headed to HQ.

Her eyes lifted up to the 9.8 foot tall Undine. If this kept up, she was going to get a short complex.

~You are the one we tried to contact. The pain was unintentionally. one can connect better then all~

Mira's eyes widened at the mental contact,
"I am sorry for what was done by the people here in the name of the federation. The people here were wrong. We came here to help."

She felt a search of her mind and kept the thoughts she was willing to share close to the surface.

~You know all~

"I know it was them that entered your space, and I know what happened to your people but not what happened to the people here."

She felt that strange sensation again it was similar to Vaytoc's passing of information.

"Like the factions you have. The people here were a faction. We didn't know what they were doing?" Mira told him. "We came to give help. My Captain would love to meet with you."

~in time your people will have the ability to send~

Mira wasn't sure about that, but she felt he was telling her the truth.

" If the faction Undine attacks my people, the federation will protect ourselves. " she told him.

"We will meet your Captain," he spoke out loud

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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