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Posted on Tue Oct 10th, 2023 @ 5:07pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Tue Oct 10th, 2023 @ 6:39pm

Mission: The Return
Location: Outpost 383
Timeline: Present

{Federation outpost 382}

Out of the corner of her vision, Mira saw three more crewmembers beam down from the ship, so she waited for them to join them. "Anyone else in the Transporter room when you three beamed down?"

She got three no ma'am before one held up a medical bag. "I was getting instructed on how to use these properly."

Mira gave him a little nod, then smiled at Lieutenant JG Tracey Walker. " Let's try not to get your nose broken again, shell we?"
he grinned back at her.

Looking back down at the tricorder, Mira frowned. "I am picking up life signs, but they are in flux. "

Being so much taller, then her Sokolov just looked over her shoulder. "What are you thinking?"

"Infected. That would be my guess. These people might be too far gone for treatment, but we need to try."

Mira's fist banged on the door since no one greeted them. Sokolov reached around her and twisted the handle, then pushed the door open, with a smirked.

Mira shook her head. "That should have been locked, bolted, and guarded under these conditions. "

Sokolov shugged but put a hand on her shoulder when she started to walk in. "Let us check first,"

" Oh yes, and leave me out here by myself to be taken? Seriously? You're a bigger target than I am." she went under his arm with her phaser out. "Besides, if anyone doubts my training, they can join me every morning in Mok'bara." it was an invite but also a threat.

The smell was the first thing she noticed. Death. Lights were set at minimum. "Check to see if anyone is still alive without touching them." Mira whispered, not wanting her voice to carry too far.

"One is, I am giving him the treatment," Should we send him to the ship?"

Thinking about it, she said, " No. We have 3 bio beds on the ship. The doctor would be giving him the treatment right now. Let the treatment work here." It was a bit cold, but if any of her people were hurt, that's who was going to those beds. " The doctors here on the base should have administered the treatment. Why aren't they? Once we secure the base, we can move him to the medical center. "

Entering the next room, Mira frowned as she felt the overwhelming need for panic, retreat, and fear. It was swamping her mind. Making it hard to think. She stumbled for a moment as pain hit her.

Walker took her arm. "Commander ?" He asked.

After a few moments, the feeling passed, and she took a deep breath, letting it go. " I am unsure what just happened. It felt like a.... mental attack."

The Undine was telepathic, but she thought they could only communicate with another telepath. She wasn't one, but her mind was set up to be open to a symbiont, and it was open to Vaytoc, so perhaps that left her open to attack? it could also be a Betazoid hurt some place near them, too.

She patted the hand holding her arm and then said, "I am alright."

Then she tapped her comm badge . "Lt.Commander Rodale to Captain Intermeezo."

=/\=Captain Intermeezo Here=/\=

"Sir, nothing so far. The main headquarters is wide open, nothing looks secure, and we found only dead bodies with one alive so far. He has been treated. We are moving down to the next level." Mira told him.

=/\= keep an open comm =/\= the captain said

"Aye sir , "

They moved to a spirl staircase. Sokolov took the lead, making Mira frown at him, but at her age, she knew people developed instincts, and his was set on being overly protective.

When they reached the next floor and secured it, she poked him in the back with her finger, "rank before age old man."

He just grinned down at her. Mira was used to using her size to let people underestimate her. It always gave her an advantage in most situations.

Coming to the comm station, Mira gave it a once over visually and then sipped under the console to remove the panel.

"The panel to the comm station didn't even have the attachments hooked up. " she re-attached a few circuits and then nodded.

"Try it now," she said to one of the officers. It turned on without a problem. Taking the hand held out to her, she let Walker pull her up.

"OK, that was just disconnected and not damaged. They did it so they wouldn't have to report on what was going on here." Mira said to the people with her and the Captain on her comm.

She looked around the room where was everyone? Captain Williams had been standing here just 10 minutes ago, and she was still picking up lifeforms.

Lt.Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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