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Bad Girls Never Speak But Steal

Posted on Thu Oct 5th, 2023 @ 1:27pm by Lieutenant Dasha Fedorovich

Mission: Throne of Glass
Location: DS9/Mirror Ship
Timeline: Current

Dasha stood on the station looking out the large windows on the upper level admiring the Defiant class with all its sleek lines and striking curves wondering why were we in this unfamiliar place and for what purpose. She gazed into the void past Chuck Norris wondering what new things lie out there in this universe. The joy of meeting your own self was intriguing and scary at the same time yet as people put it a coin toss can determine 2 outcomes to a decision. Dasha moved from the window pacing up and down it worried things will not work out so well stopping to occasionally stare out the window at the ship it was good to stretch the legs and get out for a while but still the nerves could be seen a change of scenery was a good place to refresh the mind and help rejuvenate oneself. Fedorovich headed for the stairs still nervous with slightly clammy hands when she spun round for the last time to stare out the window and noticed the Chuck has started to slip the moorings without any notice for personnel recall which bothered Dasha greatly why was she left behind along with several other crewmembers and clunked down the curved stairs around and around before hitting the ground floor.

Dasha wondered how the hell she would return to the ship now that it was holding outside the station in a sort of holding pattern. The hustle and bustle of the promenade made it clear business as usual was on the cards and that nobody bothered who purchased their products or drank and ate at their establishments. Lots of bright colours and aromas amused Fedorovich and made her happy. There where muffled shouting behind her from station security yelling for someone to stop or grab that thief getting louder and louder the footsteps on the floor clanging away as they ran closer and closer the sounds of possibly 3 or 4 security guards and the louder more clunky sounding footsteps from another non station security.

“Stop thief halt or you will be fired upon” Yelled the security officer

A burst of a weapon bounced off the nearest wall as she turned round and was thrown to the floor with a thud as the hooded figure landed on top a crowd was growing watching what was happening as the security officers stopped still shouting commands to the thief. The hooded figure got up, grabbed Fedorovich and pointed a weapon at her head. Dasha now scared, sweaty and confused as the figure backed slowly and slowly away from the security officers, the satchel swaying side to side. The thief grabbed Dasha by the hand and dragged her towards a nearby airlock noticing a battered sabre class starship moored to the station outside the window hearing the movement of the large cog like airlock door still being dragged inside as the door closed. Dasha herd a metal click as handcuffs bound both parties together as the awaited the outer airlock to open still scared still trying to figure out who the hell was the hooded figure a hiss was herd as the outer door opened and she was dragged down the airlock passageway into the ship struggling against the hooded person trying very hard to escape knowing every struggle the hooded character would resist. Fedorovich stood inside the sabre class starship as the airlock was sealed being dragged up to the bridge and to see if the mysterious figure would finally reveal itself to their tag along Dasha.

The bridge was tiny and cramped, lots of battle damage and rubble littered the area like it had been involved in a recent battle. The figure beckoned Dasha to the nearest chair she was ushered over to the chair that sat behind the nearest console before having the cuffs removed she could see lots of storage boxes piled up in one corner and the figure now standing in front of the viewscreen it spoke

“I guess it's time you knew the truth about who is under this cloak” spoke the mysterious figure as it took the robes off revealing startling evidence and shocking Dasha who was now super confused. Standing there plain as day could have been her twin but how and why could this other person explain all this confusion. “Allow me to introduce myself Captain Dasha Fedorovich commanding officer of the ISS Kokoda and you are” introduced the now named figure. Dasha was shocked apparently it was her but she still couldn't believe it was her or a facsimile of the her still confused and puzzled Dasha spoke “ Lieutenant Dasha Fedorovich chief operations officer USS Chuck Norris” spoken in a nervous tone as the twin strolled towards the command chair “Allow me to clear up the confusion you seen a little confused or you've seen ghosts” mirror Dasha spoke.

“I am a member of the Terran Empire or was up until a year ago when the empire fell it was decided the latest acts of violence against the separatists did not agree with my views and this ship and its crew decided to change sides and take the ship with it. The ship was involved in a battle as we escaped and now we are here undercover trying to acquire tech and supplies to survive. We lost a lot of crew and are trying to rebuild and survive” mirror Dasha explained, swivelling around to face she waited for a reply. Dasha sat there wondering why we would end up in a different universe, what being would drag the crew of the Chuck Norris into such a reality and for what purpose. Dasha stood up and replied “ What do you need me for or rather why did you decide to drag me along on your little escapade. I need to get back to my own ship before it returns back to our own universe” Fedorovich explained, wondering if her mirror self would object to that. Mirror Dasha looked concerned, turning to the science officer behind her asking the status of this new ship her counterpart came from, wondering how to somehow get her back on board yet concerned with the crew's safety. Dasha stood up and strolled over to the officer and stared at the console trying to comprehend the information displayed wondering what was next for her and the life aboard the sabre class if the Norris did leave without her the console beeps indicating the readings have change the defiant class now spooling up her impulse engines indicated it was off to the next destination. Mirror Dasha spoke “Ensign make haste and follow tail the Chuck Norris keep us out of sensor range but still follow it” waiting for the ensign's response “Aye captain setting intercept course to follow the Chuck Norros” the ensign remarked relaying the order back to the captain.

Mirror Dasha returned to the centre seat watching the ship on the screen blast off into impulse speeds before vanishing into warp. The ensign laid in a pursuit course and followed the Norris into warp wondering where it would end up ever eager to see what tricks they were up to clenching the arms of the command chair nails digging into the leather both ships exited into this strange system the bright m class planet with its green hue small but magnificent on the viewscreen as the Kokoda hit in the nearby asteroid belt. The Norris went into standard orbit around the nearby planet.Fedorovich leaned forward in her chair wondering what Captain Intermeezo next move was and how to use it to her advantage to get back to the original crew she was part of or even leave with it in some craft or another be it a shuttlecraft or a fighter whatever it was it had to be done properly. He was a fine captain and a fantastic person to serve under a strong leader. The crew seemed to like the man even if he could be a little quirky at times. Then there was Rodale a feisty bubbly personality for an executive officer a little hard to get on with at times but still an outstanding officer in the key role Dasha found her a little intimidating at times but pushed through it and learned to live with the quirks of these 2 fine starfleet officers. She wondered what would both officers do in this situation take the shuttle down a more practical but slower means to the surface or beaning down into the unknown faster but with more risks but Dasha could only sit there and wait patiently to see the Chuck’s next move


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