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Was it over?

Posted on Thu Sep 7th, 2023 @ 1:54pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Thu Sep 7th, 2023 @ 6:51pm

Mission: The Zaj
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


{USS Chuck Norris / Bridge}

Mira looked out over the main view screen of the ship while she tried to make sense of the messages coming in. it wasn't easy.

Chin spoke right beside her. "Do you think they look like the monsters they sent over? Were they crewmen?"

Mira's eyes flicked over to him, then back to the screen. " My guess is no. They sent ...... attack dogs. They had just hatched here. They must be breeded for this reason or they found a creature that fit thier needs and are using them."

Just then, a message came from the UT on the base. It wasn't a very good translation in Zaj, but it asked something like what do they want.? this time they did get a response.

the Zaj said =/\= we want you to surrender to us, or we will destroy your station along with the other ships. =/\= then ends the transmission.

Mira was in shock as she sat back in her chair. "They spoke federation standard!"
she said out loud. By all that was holy, how did they learn federation standard? When a race goes to attack another, the normal would be to learn the language the enemy spoke. That would be Bajoran. But they took the time to learn federation standard. A language most planets knew. How did they know that?

Kronnelti voice came =/\= Kronnelti to Commander Rodale. Can you hear me? If you can, I need you to raise shields to maximum red alert!!! =/\=

Mira blinked a few times they had been at red alert since the Zaj showed up, and the shields couldn't get any higher than they were in a combat situation. Was that code for something? He sent it at a 2nd time. Now, she was sure he was letting them know something was going to happen.

There was an explosion close to one of the Zaj's ships, but the ship remained.

Then the wormhole opened as all the ships started to leave but one. Then, in perfect federation standard, they said

"We will return. Gather your wounded and your dead. Honour them. As we will honour ours. We will return.” And just like that, the lead ship entered the wormhole.

"Son of a Targ" Mira shook her head. So they knew more about us than we did of them. That could only mean that someone was helping them from this side of the wormhole, or maybe they captured someone?

Seeing that the Base had disconnected Red alert, she dropped theirs to yellow to match. Then asked the base how they could help them.

Reports started coming in, and she redirected them to the different departments' heads on the ship so they would know they could send crew to help. Shields were down so people could beam back and forth at will now.

That was odd, she thought. if they had stayed longer in the battle, the Zaj might have won. Why leave?
she shook her head. clearly, they needed to step up their game plan.

lt Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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