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What are they

Posted on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 1:41am by Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 1:42am

Mission: The Zaj
Location: Ds9
Timeline: The vaj

Alarm blaring (intruder alert intruder alert

=^= intruders located in engine room, all security head to engine.....then silence.

Capt you stay here with the Xo I'm going to see what's going on, the Capt nods

Getting on the turbo lift Kronnelti heads for the engine room, moments later he steps off and right into what looks like hell.

Bodies burned everywhere, Kronnelti carefully stepping around making sure not to make any noise.

Minutes later he hears rustling over in the corner, he takes his phaser out slowly walking over he then looks over a few boxes but he sees two burned legs shaking.

Don't worry Kronnelti says I'm from the USS Chuck Norris, the recruit says please help me my legs are burned and everyone in here is dead.

Moving a few boxes Kronnelti eventually picks her up and brings her to medical.

Stepping off the lift and into medical he is surprised to see how many burn victims there are. Chief medical Dr comes over and takes Kim, I'll take her from here says Debbie.

Kronnelti nods then back on the lift to the weapons room, after getting off the lift he walks into the room and starts searching for what he doesn't know yet but he soon finds a create full of foam grenades.

Grabbing bundles and strapping them on he goes off to find whatever these things are.

Intruder alert decks 3 and 4

Kronnelti makes his move and heads for deck 4

Seconds later he steps out onto deck 4 but it's complete chaos, people screaming and running from this thing.

Kronnelti starts passing people going the opposite direction. What feels like an eternity was mere minutes coming to a stop at this fire being.

Acting quickly he takes a grenade a throws it.......BOOM PHFFFFF the entity screaming in pain smoke coming off from where the foam is setting....he then throws a few more engulfing it and stopping it in it's tracks.

Kronnelti finding any able bodies he hands off some grenades and tells the crew to find the other one on deck 3.

Kronnelti runs back to the turbo lift and heads right for the bridge, knowing the Capt and Xo are alone they might go for them.

The lift stops and the door opens he sees the remaining two surrounding the Capt and Xo.

Capt Kronnelti yells get down and take cover, the Lt lobs several grenades at the fire beings.

Seconds later a series of loud explosions go off foam engulfing the two stopping them, Kronnelti then jumps the railing putting out the fire on the Xo.

The Capt sighs in relief as if the Lt didn't show up when he did it would have been all over.

Kronnelti has never seen anything like this before and he and the Capt try to to figure out how they got on board when shields are up


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