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Reporting for Duty

Posted on Tue Aug 15th, 2023 @ 6:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Olivia Dersch "Livvy" & Lieutenant JG Keti Korcus
Edited on on Fri Aug 18th, 2023 @ 6:22pm

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current



LT JG Keti Korcus sighed quietly before straightening his uniform and readying himself to formally begin his new journey aboard the Chuck Norris as their Chief Engineer. *1st impressions* he thought to himself as he rounded the corner and walked in.

Commander Dersch looked up from her padd and seen Lt. JG Korcus standing there, She stood and said "Hello Mr. Korcus, Nice to meet you" She extended her hand for a shake.

Keti smiled and extended his hand to give a firm and confident handshake. " Thank you Commander, it is good to meet you as well. " with his hand released he continued to speak gesturing to his Bajoran earing and nose wrinkles, " If it's not too much trouble I'd prefer Keti instead of Korcus if that's ok Ma'am? , it's a cultural thing " he said smiling warmly.

"Oh That's fine, We are a Family here on the Chuck Norris" She said as she gave a encouraging smile. "If there's ever any problems, Please reach out to me.. " Keti interrupted
" That's great to hear Commander, I'll certainly keep that in mind. " he said nodding as he tried to smile convincingly while also keeping his face impassive and almost successfully resisting raising his eyebrows at the old 'we are family' line.
"...Now, What made you join Star Fleet? If you don't mind me asking" She asked continuing.

" Well.... my father and my idealistic youth are to blame Commander Dersch... You see growing up on Bajor under Cadri occupation... the Federation and Starfleet had seemed simply the closest you could come to perfection incarnate, outside of imaginings about the celestial temple... it was an ointment this fly couldn't resist, I couldn't even wait to pursue a commission at the academy... I.. simply had to be out there " he gestured passionately "in a ship of wonder and marvels helping the galaxy in the Federations noble cause.. " he said as the passion died off and he laughed briefly but sadly

"Well,, Sounds like a good answer" She said, Thinking of what to ask next.

" I still believe.. you see..of course I do, but... dreams in reality are far harder..." Keti tapped the bulkhead
"...and carry far more dirt and grime.." he finished sounding both melancholic, tired but satisfied, as he wiped his finger from a notch near the door showing the dirt there briefly before rubbing it between two fingers.

she watched this with interest

" How about yourself Commander? You must have be born during the early 'golden' age of exploration as some are now calling it, and I'd guess have been too young to see service against the Dominion, why did you join and why do you still serve? " Keti asked his eyes alight with intense concentration.

"At the Age of 20, I am already a First officer on the best ship or most badass ship in the fleet, And plus My Father was a Captain of the USS Hanes, and mother was a Cheif Medical officer on the USS Hornet, and that's all before I was born."

Keti nodded as she spoke smiling subtly at the mention of the ships and her parents. "A destiny in the stars was set before you it seems Commander, If there's nothing further? I think I'd best get to it or else I risk talking our time away " he said politely as he drew the conversation to a potential close.

"Thats Okay, Your new, and want to check you ship out, Like I said if you ever need anything, Please Ask"


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