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From the sidelines

Posted on Wed Feb 10th, 2021 @ 9:32am by

Mission: Not Where I Belong
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Present


Stellan had been brought to sickbay not long ago, and placed on a bio bed. He remained unconscious, but despite this, was flanked by two burly looking security officers.

A level four forcefield had been erected around his bio bed once the medical staff were satisfied that this strange purple goo covered man was not in a life threatening condition, only asleep.

From within his own mind, Stellan could hear his own voice as a child speaking. “Vakna!” The voice urged, speaking in his native Swedish language. “Vanka just nu! Vanka och ställ dig upp!” The voice continued to encourage the man to wake up and get to his feet.

Stellan’s eyes suddenly opened, and he let out a loud gasp. He brought his hand up a few inches above his face to shield his eyes from the harshly bright sickbay lights.

The two security officers turned towards Stellan, their hands now placed on their phaser holsters.

Stellan tried speaking, his voice only a whisper initially. He cleared his throat for a moment and swallowed hard. He tried to speak again, “Where... where am I?”

The dark haired security officer looked over to his red-headed colleague, before turning his gaze back to Stellan, “You’re on the USS Chuck Norris, Defiant class.”

“Defiant class?” Stellan’s head returned to the pillow, any energy he had was quickly leaving him once again. “I’m not familiar... with that class.”

The dark haired security officer exchanged a confused frown with his flame-haired colleague. “You’ve never heard of the Defiant class line of ships...?” The security officer questioned.

Stellan shook his head and answered, “I haven’t I’m afraid. Are they new?”

“What is the current stardate?” The red-haired officer spoke up, suspecting that there was more to this stranger than just purple goo.

Stellan’s eyes looked towards the man, “The stardate? To the best of my knowledge its stardate 40110.546.” A few seconds later, he fell unconscious once again.

The security personnel looked at each other, wide-eyed. Whoever this man was that was lying on the biobed, he was claiming to be from a stardate twenty years ago in their past. Twenty years to the very same day.


Lieutenant JG Stellan Everson
Chief Operations Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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