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Strange Things are afoot on the Chuck Norris

Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2021 @ 4:22pm by Captain Aurther Winters & Lieutenant Commander Balen Pibb & Lieutenant Commander John Wyatt

Mission: Not Where I Belong
Location: U.S.S. Chuck Norris (Prime) & U.S.S. Chuck Norris (Kelvin)
Timeline: Current in both universes

Off: This is an alternate timeline. That will eventually tie into Wyatt's story arc.

(Winters Here) To clarify, this alternate timeline is the Kelvin timeline.

On: Wyatt's head was spinning. He felt he had just flown a thousand feet. Only to plummet straight down.

Despite this, he figured he figured he had better get up.
He went to his closet to grab his uniform. Only something was different about it. It was red. When did Wyatt join command?

Not to mention his quarters were different. The layout was the same but the design was far more superior.

The one thing Wyatt knew to do was to roll with the punches. Despite how odd they appeared.

"Morning Number one," A young voice said in a thick Australian accent. "Uhm Winters? Is that you?" Wyatt expressed while rubbing his head. Trying to relive his migraine.

"Yes, Commander Wyatt, who else would I be?" Winters stated. At this point, Wyatt caught a glimpse of winters. He oddly looked like the actor Hugh Jackman.

"Morning Captain" Wyatt went with. "I need you to go grab a PADD from Lt. Commander Pibb. He has intelligence on it that we need." Winters ordered.

As fate would have it Pibb was the Chief intelligence officer. By now Wyatt had begun to figure he must've transported to a different timeline. How was else was he XO and Pibb CIO?
Winters was not Australian either.

Either way, Wyatt had an apparent duty here. He had better do it. He thought.

Lt. Ryoko had just made his way onto the bridge. "Commander Wyatt the Hazard Team is prepared for our assignment."

"Good..." Wyatt had to think on his feet, this didn't feel like a dream, and while his head was still spinning, some memories were coming to him, but to not arouse suspicion, he needed to by himself more time. "Why don't you just explain the final details to the Captain."

"Of course Commander." The Kelpien moved every so gingerly to the a computer console, giving Wyatt a little extra time to piece everything together, and let out a small sigh of relief.

"As you know Captain, we have been in contact with Starfleet Intelligence, and they were able to isolate the spy that has been leaking Federation secrets. As you can see here..." Ryoko punched up the information as a Wyatt saw a familiar face, "...Lieutenant vonMcCormick here was working at Utopia Planitia for the last 2 years. In that time, he has amassed a fair amount of Federation technology, including systems that are based on this ship, and we believe he has come to this planet to sell them off, and then disappear."

"Crikey" Winters said in disbelief.

______Prime Timeline_______

"Captain, you may want to see this?" Pibb boasted. "According to Starfleet records. There was a john Wyatt. Only he died in 2280. Pibb said handing winters a PADD."

Winters briefly glanced at it. "This is worse then I thought, Pibb"

"What do you mean?"

"Well if Wyatt never existed, it means that the events we know him from must never have happened. Which means, that either or memories don't coincide with this timeline, or maybe that might eventually shift to that, which means that we won't remember Wyatt anymore. I don't fully remember the temporal mechanic classes from back in the Academy, but I think we are waste deep in something right now." Aurther rubbed the side of his head.

"This means we need to figure out what has happened to him, or else... well I guess he will be lost in time forever."

"Indeed." Aurther's mouth moved back forth slightly as he thought out the next course of action. "You need to see what you can find out about this, I will continue with the our current mission, maybe that yield some results."

"Did you notice we are at yellow alert?" Pibb asked, the two men noticed that their situation had changed, and within a few moments the ship went to red alert.

=/\= Red Alert, Red Alert, General Quarters, man your battle stations =/\= The computer informed the ship.

"But that on the backburner Pibb, we need to get through whatever this is first." The two men nodded at each other before exiting the ready room. Pibb took his station and Winters walked over to the Command Chair that G'ginloss was filling out well. "Report Commander."


Captain Aurther Winters
Commanding Officer


Lt. Cmdr. Balen Pibb


Lieutenant John Wyatt


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