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I'm feeling much better now

Posted on Sat Aug 29th, 2020 @ 1:19am by Captain Grover vonMcCormick

Mission: The Game is Afoot
Location: USS Chuck Norris, Sickbay
Timeline: Current


{USS Chuck Norris, Sickbay}

"Everything checks out... I can't find anything wrong with you," Doc Ramsey said as she finished the last scan of the Captain.

"Thanks, doc. Whatever it was, I'm feeling much better." vonMcCormick slid his legs off the bed. All good. Then he stood. Still all good. "I suppose I should be getting back to the bridge." He tapped his comm badge. =/\=Bridge, this is the Captain. Status update, please.=/\=


vonMcCormick is on his way back to the bridge.

Let's start getting this wrapped up...

Captain Grover vonMcCormick
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris NCC-4005


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