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Back on track?

Posted on Sun Aug 23rd, 2020 @ 4:47am by Lieutenant Commander John Wyatt

Mission: The Game is Afoot
Location: USS Chuck Norris NCC 4001
Timeline: Current

Off:feel free to fix any errors you see here in your future posts.


"No no no why did I do this. I stole a ship and I'm now I'm so done. All my chances of ever being a captain are out the window." Wyatt insisted.

At this moment the man was in front of a computer screen on the bridge. He was holding a locket that he had held onto since his father's death. The locket resembled the Starfleet star. To the left of the star was a clasp leading to a small compartment. There rested a faded picture of his father holding him the day he was born. When wyatt's father had died he had taken the locket off his corpse to have something to remind him of his father.
"Dad I've screwed up I-im just not federation material" he said crying
Wyatt didn't have much long to sulk though. The ship had a more pressing matter to deal with.

=/\= Collier is alive. The virus hasn't completely impacted him yet but he's not going to last much longer. We have tried everything but nothing's worked. I don't know if we save him commander"
=/\= Well keep trying and keep me updated
=/\= yes sir.

"Ensign pibb" wyatt called. "Yes wyatt" he replied. "We need to go back." Wyatt protested. "Why?" "I'm not a doctor or anywhere near a medical science officer but I know how to save collier." "I'm not doubting your skills wyatt but that's highly unlikely." "No pibb let's see acting on impulse,increased adrenaline,then blood,then appearing dead. It's a very rare virus most doctors haven't even heard of it." "How do you know?" "Because my sister had the same thing I cant let someone else die from it when we know what the cure is. As well as what it id" "wyatt your sister died?" "Yes 2 months ago she developed Kirkuk disease. She died because they couldn't find any penicillin in time." "Wyatt are you suggesting couiller has the same thing?" "I'm not a doctor but its 98.8% likely my sister is my base for hypothesis" "penicillin is a 21st century antibiotic wyatt they stopped making it centuries ago even if you are right we can't exactly get penicillin or Time travel to get some. "I never said we needed time travel. There is a colony about 5 light years from here that has the only remaining supply of it. It ain't cheap though 5 dilluthm Crystal's for a ounce.
"Wyatt you need to tell commander winters what you've told me." "Agreed"

Off: Can coller be saved? You decide


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