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Checking Facts

Posted on Sat Aug 22nd, 2020 @ 6:09am by Captain Aurther Winters

Mission: The Game is Afoot
Location: Starbase 10
Timeline: Current

OFF: Wow, I am impressed with the amount of activity that everyone has in the last few days. Good Job everyone let's keep it up if we can.

ON: (Starbase 10)

Aurther stood very silent as he looked around the main operations deck of the Starbase. At least 30 crewman were working various stations, screens as far as the eye could see. One could get lost if they personally tried to read all of the information and decipher it. There was much chatter as the normal operations of a Starbase are very busy at the best of times. There was an extra bit of work after the Chuck Norris made her break for Freedom. The two security officers were still standing behind Winters, he could feel their eyes on him. After what felt like hours, which was more like minutes, Admiral Yoshimeyer headed back towards him, with a Lt. Cmdr. in tow, the head of security no doubt.

"Did you review the logs?" Aurther spoke up first, he knew he had the advantage.

"After a investigation of the audio and visual logs, as well as the communication, I cannot see any evidence here that Commander Winters could not have been involved in this so called jail break. Until I have any other evidence to the contrary, I would say he is free to go. For now" The Security Chief announced as he handed a PADD over to the Admiral for his review.

"Well Commander, it looks like I owe you an apology for now. But you will understand if I don't allow you to leave the station. For now you will assist us with whatever this Fergeni situation is that we have going on."

"Yes sir, I'm sure I can lend a hand."

"Sir!" a voice called out, "The Chuck Norris has gone to warp!"

"Blast" Yoshimeyer walked over to the main map screen and glanced around before making up his mind. "Contact the Thunderchild, she just left the station. Have her track down the Chuck Norris and bring her Captain back here."

"Yes sir"

The doors to OPS opened and a young Klingon was brought in.

"Admiral, we had an unauthorized transport, and we found him looking for Commander Winters."

"Lt. G'ginloss" Aurther said happily, at least he wasn't alone now, or as alone as he was.

"Commander, they took the Captain and took the ship."

"We know Lieutenant. We are trying to assess the situation, but I'm glad you're here, you can assist me."


Commander Aurther Winters
First Officer
U.S.S. Chuck Norris


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