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Not Again

Posted on Fri Aug 21st, 2020 @ 7:12pm by Captain Grover vonMcCormick

Mission: The Game is Afoot
Location: Starbase 10, Brig
Timeline: Just before "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirates Life for Me"


Less than 30 minutes after leaving weeks of quarantine in his quarters, Captain vonMcCormick found him in an even smaller place: The Starbase 10 brig. This was not lost on him.

"I suppose I could get some sleep," he muttered to himself. That wasn't true. That's all he had been doing, more or less. He scanned the room. Typical Star Fleet Brig. Then he considered the charges Admiral Yoshimeyer mentioned.

Before he could do anything else, he felt a tingling and that familiar blue shimmer of a transporter...


Love the twists and turns so far! What's next?

Captain Grover vonMcCormick
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris NCC-4005


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