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The prisoner

Posted on Tue Sep 12th, 2023 @ 1:21am by Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Fleet Admiral

Mission: The Zaj
Location: Ds9
Timeline: Current

As Kronnelti carried away the romulan to security.

As he gets there Kronnelti taps a button, admiral to security, admiral to security.

Moments later the Admiral walks in and sees Lt Kronnelti with a male romulan cuffed.

What's the meaning of this says fleet admiral Jacobs

Kronnelti hands over his padd with all the information on his investigation along with what happened to the Xo

I also had a little help from commander Rodale and her pet Vaytoc which he also hands over another padd with her findings.

The admiral looks over everything and can't believe what he is reading.

Soon after the Capt walks in.

Admiral I have news on the Xo, she's fully recovered and ready to go back to duty.

Admiral Jacobs nods and says that's great news, but the Lt here captured our assailant.

Both the admiral and Kronnelti bring the Romulan into a back room for interrogation.

30 minutes later and Kronnelti can't believe what he is hearing, the admiral stands up and says I hear by place you under arrest for the attempted murder of the Xo.

Kronnelti walks out and shakes the captains hand, I must go back to the Chuck Norris now.

Kronnelti then gets back in his transport ship, coordinates set and off he goes back to the Chuck Norris.


Lieutenant Awol Kronnelti
Fleet admiral


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