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The arrival of Lt Kronnelti

Posted on Sun Sep 10th, 2023 @ 1:04am by Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti

Mission: The Zaj
Location: Ds9
Timeline: Current

Several hours passed as Ds9 was coming in view

Ds9 yellow alert

Ds9 to shuttle reveal yourself

This is Lt Kronnelti permission to land

Permission to land Lt said ds9

Minutes later Kronnelti lands the shuttle in bay 9.

The Capt arrives at the shuttle bay to greet Mr Kronnelti.

Capt it's nice to see you again except we're not in the middle of a potential war

The Capt chuckled yea that is a plus, what are you doing here if I may ask? Said the Capt.

I'm here to conduct an investigation on Ds9 as something is off. I will let you know I had the sent of a romulan in the pod bay says Kronnelti I'm also here to ask your Xo some questions and her statement.

She is in medical right now, she should be conscience by now said the Capt.

That's good news stated Kronnelti I do have one question, when was the last time you saw the Xo?

The last time I saw the Xo she was in the mess hall having a lunch said the Capt.

Kronnelti having his answer put on a recording he goes off to the mess hall..a sack couldn't hurt while I'm there thinks Kronnelti.

Moments later the Lt steps off the lift and into the hall, a female Klingon bartender saw Kronnelti come in.

How can I help you she asked, he walks over blood wine please.

What's your name miss

Mara and you?

Lt Kronnelti may I ask the Xo she was in here was she with anybody?

Mara getting a glass no Im sorry she wasn't.

Ok says Kronnelti as she hands him the drink.

She did leave in a hurry, had a look of worry on her face.

Really says Kronnelti, I wonder what spooked her.

Kronnelti finished his drink and said thank you then leaves the mall.

So Kronnelti heads to the pod bay to see if he'll find anything, getting on the lift.

A minute later Kronnelti steps off and into the bay.

Pod bay

Kronnelti goes over to the pod the Xo was in, "Sniff" then opens it up "Sniff" romulan he udders to himself then closes it.

Looking around getting the cent of said romulan it leads him to a bloody club that had a blade imbedded into it.

Kronnelti picks it up the weapon then inspects it.

Hmm he thinks did this person want to kill or hand over the Xo to the Vaj?

I have to go to the medical bay he says to himself.

Med bay

Getting on the lift Kronnelti thinks to himself, why would a romulan use a club? They are more known to use phasers.

The lift stops and Kronnelti gets off going into medical.

The Chief of medical comes out, Lieutenant what brings you back?

I'm here to conduct an investigation on what happened to the Xo says Kronnelti

Can you tell me more about the gash she sustained asks Kronnelti.

She explains that it's from a blunt force object with some kind of blade on it.

Kronnelti's eyes lite up, he says I found a bloodied club with some form of blade on it

The Chief stops and gives him a look of what.

He asks if he can go talk to her

She says yes, the Xo is up.

Kronnelti then goes back to the xo, Hello ma'am Kronnelti says how are you feeling?

The Xo states she's still in a bit of pain but she's recovering well.

That's good said Kronnelti, I have a question or two.

Did you see your attacker?

She looks at him and says only got a look at their eyes.

What did they look like?

The Xo says they were cat like

Hmm Kronnelti thinks to himself.

Do you remember what you were doing before the attack?

She said yes I was eating when I got word about my family so I ran back to my office.

And when you got there you were attacked?

Yes she says.

Ok Kronnelti says, get well and don't do anything to crazy as he leaves medical.

He goes to his room used for guests.

The next few days on Ds9

Kronnelti is sitting at the desk in his room reviewing his padd and noticed something off about the weapon he discovered, it's a Vulcan weapon.

Things are adding up thinks Kronnelti, somebody of Vulcan decent had to have gotten the sent of a romulan?

He needs to get back to the Chuck Norris quickly so he get gets on his mini view screen and calls up CoO Rondale on a secure call

The screen comes up, Rondale is on the other side

I have some disturbing news says Kronnelti, I'm coming back and I think the admiral needs to hear this when I get back. But he sends Rondale his findings to her padd.

Lt Awol Kronnelti

Signing off


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