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The Harlon Files?

Posted on Thu Apr 16th, 2020 @ 8:33am by Lieutenant Commander John Wyatt

Mission: From the Sidelines
Location: Earth
Timeline: 12:54 TNG

John Wyatt lie in his bed at his home on earth for the last time.Tommorow was the start of his newfound life."Its finnaly happend the seven years at the academy and all the previous jobs have paid off"He thought happily.After about a minute or so dozed off and began to dream.In his dream he saw....his mother?No that couldnt be right.His mother had died years ago while he was at the Academy.Why was he just seeing her now? let alone in a dream.His mother walked onto the bridge of a familiar looking starship.Then a muscular blonde man with a yellow shirt appeared John knew this man but how.Then it all bcame clear She was on the U.S.S Entripise NCC-1701 and the man was James T Kirk."We have the reports right here Adrimal" she said "Ah very good thanks have you had any luck contacting The Harlin?" Kirk asked "Yes i have Captain Baron needs your coordinates sir" she replied "I suppose he would allow me to handle it mam" kirk said holding his wrist communicator."Spock do you read me?." Kirk asked.Almost instantly a automated voice Barged out of his communicator "Loud and clear captain" Spock said "Good if youre on the bridge Pinpoint the location of the U.S.S Harlen Open communications and transfer coordinates." Kirk demanded "Very well captain"......"Captain?""Jim do you read me?"Spock said with confusion in his voice also getting up from his chair."Zulu im going to find jim there is no logical way he couldve just dissapeard till then i want to continue the pinpoint" spock said walking out the door "Understood sir"Just then spock noticed something out of the ordinary a klingon not freindly either.A klinggon on the Enteprise ? How?When and Why? Spock wondered.He then noticed kirks phaser was missing from its original place.Looking for this the klingon said .After knocking spock out The vistor pointed it to a uncounsious kirk.After serious consideration he pulled the trigger.What happened next really shook john His mother who was standing hidden behind the corridor jumped in front of the beam last minute and grabbed the tip of the phaser.You klimgons will never get the Harlon Files.She said as she fell lifeless to the floor.Somehow the phaser blew up to killing the klingon in the process.
John soon woke up.and went to his mother's old library He pulled out a dusty old black book with a fading starship on it"Harlon XT-0568 it read.Was this just a dream? Or was it telling me something? He thought while reading.Then he stumbled upon it A section his mom Wrote titled The Harlon Files.Where are they?I must find them before they do.


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