Specifications - USS Chuck Norris



Class Defiant class
Role Escort


Length 170.68 m
Height 30.1m
Decks 5


Officers 14
Enlisted Crew 36
Emergency Capacity 150


Cruise Speed 6
Maximum Speed 9.2
Emergency Speed 9.98

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Auto modulated shield system, total capacity 2,376,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Duranium / Tritanium [12] Double hull plus 20 cm Ablative armour. [13]
High level Structural Integrity Field
Armament 4 [10] x Class I rapid fire phaser pulse cannon [10]
1 [11] x Type X phaser bank [11], total output 70,000 TeraWatts
3 [10] x Pulse fire quantum torpedo tube [10]
1 x Probe/photon launcher [10] equivalent to standard photon torpedo tube with 120 rounds

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 2