Chief Petty Officer B'Nila Kay'K

Name B'Nila Kay'K

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Elsarian
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3"
Weight 126 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Gold
Physical Description Perhaps one of the first things most would note about B'Nila was her start white skin. Being from a race which evolved on a planet without a star, she had a complete lack of any pigment of any kind. Her skin, muscle, and internal organs all had the same lack of color. Her blood was carbon based and gray. As a result, her lips and genitals were a slightly darker shade of gray due to increased blood flow. Her hair and fingernails had the highest amounts of carbon and were are black. Her hair was long and straight, hanging well past her narrow shoulders.

Her eyes that stood out against the pale white skin and black hair as they were a vivid gold and highly reflective. Though her pupils were standard, her retina were reflective so the effect gave her eyes a glow in all but the dimmest of light. The metallic sheen of her eyes was caused by heavy deposits of both pure gold and copper in her retina and irises.

At roughly 160 centimeters tall, she was slightly below average for a humanoid female, and quite thin, but sturdy enough for her duties. She had a full enough figure with small but full breasts and roundly curved hips.

She dressed in loose fitting robes and synthetic furs similar to those worn on her home planet.

Unlike many humanoids, due to the lack of a star, her species lacked a day night cycle, instead days were broken up simply by shifts of duty. Thus, she is fully capable of working any shifts with little to no difficulty. However, in order to get any good rest, she required absolute darkness.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Tha'Nis Kay'k
Mother Ab'Pel Kay'k
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview B'Nila carried herself with a calm cool confidence. She rarely raised her voice. She was highly perceptive and nigh unflappable, regarding every situation with the same cool, yet gentle confidence. She had an easy, disarming way about her and a straightforward no-nonsense attitude that cut through any degree of bullshit—bureaucratic or emotional.

She always dealt with things with an even temper, doing her best to keep those she worked with at ease so she could help them work through their problems. She made it one of her primary goals to make her office a nonjudgmental place where emotions could be shared and explored.

In her own words, she had little time for relationships or sex. B'Nila is a lesbian, though not the sort to be uncomfortable around displays of male affection toward her. Instead, she usually politely and gently rebuffed such advances. She valued her working relationships more.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Calm
+ Compassionate
+ Composed

- Difficulty with personal relationships
- Private
- Seemingly detached
Ambitions To see new things and learn new things and eventually retire to a small private practice.
Hobbies & Interests Sand Painting
Tea Ceremonies
Relaxing in a steam room
Reading Braille books in darkened rooms

Personal History --First 20 Years--
B'Nila was born in the city of Cinavon on the great ridge of Feristin. Her father, Tha'Nis worked in the Geothermal Vents in the Electrical Power Station, and her mother, Ab'Pel, taught school in the local town center. From a young age B'Nila gazed up at the star filled sky and wondered about all the life out there. Living on a planet without a star, seeing the stars was always easy. She watched ships enter the thick atmosphere and leave again, the bright lights of their engines forcing her to shield her eyes until they had drifted much farther away.

At school she did well enough, learning both her native language and Federation Standard easily. She even learned Betazoid as the planet Betazed was in the same sector of space and many of the traders who came to the nearby spaceport spoke both Federation Standard and Betazoid. When she was old enough, she spent long hours in the replimat near the spaceport listening to the traders tell their stories. It was there she found her love of listening to people. She sometimes found herself talking to some poor spacer about a lost love and she helped him work through his pain. It was in those moments she knew what she wanted to do with her life.

--University of Thanut, Elzaria--
At twenty years of age B'Nila submitted her application to the prestigious University of Thanut, renowned on her planet for the best psychology department. With her application, she submitted a paper she had penned in secondary school while working part time at the replimat. She had taken many notes on the traders and their crews and made many observations. Although her paper was crude, her teacher had seen great promise in it. It was due to that paper that she was accepted into the University.

She was at university for six years, getting her full Doctorate in Psychology. At university, she kept a somewhat active social life. Though no one from off-world went to the university, she still learned a great deal. After graduation, she decided to attend university on the near by planet of Betazed.

But first, she decided to live off-world for a year to acclimate herself to living on a world with a sun.

At first, it proved difficult. She spent most of the time wearing dark shades, even indoors, but before long she could take them, and then eventually she could walk around outside in mild sunlight. Her reflective irises and retina made it appear as if her eyes glowed and her stark white skin glowed in even soft light. The effect gave her any otherworldly look when she was out and about on Betazed, but the people were nice and she adjusted to life there.

--University of Lake El'nar, Betazed--
After a year planet-side, she enrolled and began taking more classes on the psychological philosophies of others planets. She enjoyed learning, but for two years she longed to practice the skills she had been honing for ages. And so it was that after eight long years of schooling, six on her home world and an additional two on Betazed, she was offered a job at the Crisis Center of Lake Cataria.

--Practicing Counselor at the Crisis Center of Lake Cataria--
B'Nila started working at the Crisis Center in peace times and found that most of her work involved pretty simple cases. She worked mostly the hours she chose and was able to help a great number of people through a great number of difficult situations. In truth, there were few real crises to worry about. Betazed was peaceful and the problems there could be dealt with easily.

She remained there for several years, but in the end she began to yearn for something more and would submit her application to join Starfleet.

--Starfleet Basic Training--
Rather than attend the academy, as most in her field did, she enlisted as a non-commissioned officer. It meant she only needed to brush up on a few things before she could get out there. It was a relatively quick program and afterward she was stationed as a junior counselor on the
Service Record 2372-2378: University of Thonut, Elzaria
2378-2380: University of Lake El'nar, Betazed
2380-2385: Practicing Counselor at the Crisis Center of Lake Cataria
2385-2386: Starfleet Basic Training