Ensign Jack McCarthy

Name Jack McCarthy

Position Computer Systems Specialist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Hair Color Dark Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Sporty


Spouse Alexandra Mackenzie MacCorrigan
Father Jacques Patrick "Trick" McCarthy, Jnr.
Mother Siobhan Bonney O'Malley
Brother(s) William Henri "Billy the Kid" McCarthy
Charlie Lucas "Chuck" McCarthy
Sister(s) Amelia Muadhnait McCarthy
Other Family Michael Cuchulainn "Mick" Robicheaux - US Air Force fighter pilot.
Allen Francis Doyle - US Army Ranger.

Personality & Traits

General Overview n/a
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- computer skills
- Trustworthy
- Determination
- being a team player.
Ambitions Want to be a Fighter Pilot and racing car driver when he was young.
Hobbies & Interests Computing,
Listen Heavy Metal music,
Loves Boston Red Sox,

Personal History Born in Boston, MA. Cajun-Irish.
his dad is a former US Air Force Fighter Pilot and a Police Detective in both New Orleans and Boston.
his mum is the Boston ADA.
Service Record Boston Police Officer.
US Air Force Pararescue.