Crewman Recruit Freya Dersch

Name Freya Lynn Dersch

Position Guest

Rank Crewman Recruit

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 180
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color Green


Spouse JB Dersch
Children Katie(12 Year Old Daughter)(Kindergarten), And Kate Marie Dersch(1 Month Old Girl)
Sister(s) Briana "Bri" Dunne-In College at LSU
Other Family Cousins:Aubrey(16) and Kelsey Hanes(17)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Freya's strengths lie in her strong sense of compassion, her organizational skills, and her ability to balance the demands of family life with supporting her husband's career. Her weaknesses may include a tendency to prioritize others' needs over her own and struggling with work-life balance at times.
Ambitions Freya's ambition is to continue supporting her family and being an active member of her community. She hopes to see her daughter, Katie, thrive and succeed in whatever path she chooses, and she values building a strong and loving family unit with her husband, JB.

Personal History Freya Dersch entered the world on a chilly December day in 2376, welcomed with open arms by her parents Kat and David Dunne in their cozy New Jersey home. Raised in an affluent environment where her mother graced runways and her father navigated the business world with ease, Freya enjoyed a childhood filled with opportunities and promise.

From the tender age of 4, Freya displayed a natural talent for gymnastics, a passion that soon propelled her to Level 10 by the age of 6. Driven by dedication and focus, she opted for homeschooling to devote more time to her training, a decision that paid off as she excelled academically with honors. At 18, Olivia's hard work secured her a coveted Business Scholarship to LSU, marking the next step towards her aspirations.

Throughout her academic journey, Freya found unwavering support in her sister Briana, affectionately known as Bri, who pursued a medical scholarship at the same university. Despite their different paths, the sisters remained close, each cheering the other on as they navigated their respective fields of study.

College life brought new experiences for Freya, from clandestine parties to navigating the complexities of relationships. Despite the occasional foray into less savory activities, Freya maintained her focus on her business aspirations, mirroring her father's entrepreneurial spirit and determination.

A serendipitous encounter in California altered Freya's course when she crossed paths with JB, a dedicated Indiana native serving in the LAPD with dreams of joining Star Fleet. Their connection blossomed into a deep and abiding love, culminating in a heartfelt proposal from JB on a chilly December night, just a day after Freya's birthday. Overjoyed, she accepted, heralding a new chapter in their lives.

The birth of their daughter Katie Lynn Dersch a year later brought immeasurable joy and further solidified the bond between Freya and JB. Determined to create a stable environment for their growing family, they invested in a charming home in the tranquil countryside of California, close to the bustling city of Los Angeles.

As Freya honed her business skills through online classes and graduated, JB made the decision to join Star Fleet, marking the realization of his lifelong dream. With Katie at 10 years old and JB embarking on his new path at 28, the family embraced the unknown future with optimism and unity.

Assigned to the USS Chuck Norris, JB's journey into space marked a new chapter for the Dersch family, filled with promise, adventure, and the cherished bond that held them together through life's twists and turns. Freya, JB, and Katie stood poised at the cusp of a thrilling new adventure, their hearts brimming with hope and love as they embarked on the voyage ahead

Service History:
Louisiana State University (LSU)-Bachelor's Degree In Business