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Using Security Department

Posted on Sat Aug 22nd, 2020 @ 6:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Balen Pibb
Edited on Sat Aug 22nd, 2020 @ 9:07pm

Good morning to all.

Ok, Now as the sitting Asst Chief of Security and likely Chief of Security to be. I must protest to other crewmates taking over Security. There is no standing partnership between Strategic Ops and Security at this point. I'm sorry 2nd Collier but, you may NOT direct my department in the manner you are doing. That is Strategically rubbing my communicators the wrong way. (Sorry but, I have to put my foot down). I'm going to have Chief Ryoko fix this. You were originally detained during the last mission and held over in Sickbay. How in the hell are you still in full power armor with a phaser rifle? I must protest to this as well. I understand the enthusiasm going on here but, its obvious, that the ship is not under alien influence. There is no reason to walk the ship in armor with a rifle all the time.

Wyatt, again. I must protest to what you are doing as well. Every post cannot be a Timetravel, Kirkie Supernatural post. At this rate I'm expecting a visit from San, Dean or Case. Now, since Pibb has had a run in with "Q" before, I intend to fix this and try and set this up.

ok, enough protesting.

Greg Thompson


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